Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winter Splinters

Tuesday, Dec 13: 16 miles in Nashville Parks. Wahoo! first 5 miles on a hiking trail ranked "moderate" that was really steep up and down at points. Since it was muddy, had to walk some downhills. Quite tired by the end.
Wednesday, Dec 14: rest
Thursday, Dec 15: rest + b-day
Friday, Dec 16: 4 mile run Murray-> Sxtn--> 155th and then an hour of ice skating later that night (supposed to do 5 miles)
Saturday, Dec 17: rest.
Sunday, Dec 18: Had a dream about an angel carrying me when I had glass splinters in my feet which, when I pulled them out, turned to these long plants. I remember it feeling just like when you pull out long splinters. 9.1 miles. (Supposed to do 10. Oopsie Poopsie!)
Monday, Dec 19: rest
Tues, Dec 20: first 18 miler today! Tried out a gel @ the 6 mile mark, and a Lara bar @ the 9 mile mark
Wed, Dec 21: rest
Thurs, Dec 22: rest
Fri, Dec 23: rest?
Sat, Dec 24: 5 miles to Highland forest (and a little inside) with lili
Sun, Dec 25: rest
Mon, Dec 26: rest (tired from 6 am shopping)
Tues, Dec 27: past weir, scholls route + a little extra through powerlines @ end:
Wed, Dec 28: rest