Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wow, haven't updated in 26 days. Exercise from first part collected from log from Commodore challenge. Rest from memory.

Fri, Aug 31: 120 minutes dancing (Oh, I remember this! Scrubapalooza = barhopping in scrubs.), 25 pushups and 45 minutes walking (30 from transport and 15 for errands, I guess)
Sat, Sep 1: 25 pushups, 25 minutes fast running, 45 min walk.
Sun, Sep 2: 58 min exercise bike, 65 pushups, 75 min walking, 45 more minutes exercise bike, 5 minute abs, 50 more pushups.
Mon, Sep 3: 21 min exercise bike, 75 pushups, 60 min walk, 51 minute exercise bike.
Tues, Sep 4: 21 min dancing (it was that or pushups!), 90 min walk
Wed, Sep 5: 8 min dance, 25 + 75 pushups, 45 min walk
Thurs, Sep 6: 57 pushups, 52 min exercise bike, 45 min walk. (might have been a few more pushups that weren't logged... not sure)
Fri, Sep 7: College Cup 5k! ~ 22 minutes around Vandy. 5th overall for Vandy females. winner was ~18:40, wowee!
Sat, Sep 8: pretty much rest + 4 hours of partners Scrabble (Meredith and I won! Robinson got 2nd place) + lots of cheering

Top Point Contributors

Go RAVENS!9565

Sun, Sep 9: hm... (not much followed in the next 1.5 weeks. Foot hurt from the injury the week before college cup (from not breaking in new shoes on 14 mi Wed run after a 20 mi Sun run. : ( )
Mon, Sep 10:
Tues, Sep 11:
Wed, Sep 12:
Thurs, Sep 13:
Fri, Sep 14:
Sat, Sep 15:

Sun, Sep 16:
Mon, Sep 17:
Tues, Sep 18:
Wed, Sep 19: ran Vandy loop. 3-3.5 miles? Vibram's.
Thurs, Sep 20: ran ~25??? minutes with Malena. Vibram's.
Fri, Sep 21:
Sat, Sep 22: ran ~38 min around Vandy loop + 2 laps around the concert @ Centennial. Vibram's.
Sun, Sep 23: a.m. bike adventure on 3 hours of sleep. ~62 miles? 12 miles to Natchez, 19 on it, then back home. Took "The Time Traveler's Wife," and read on coffee/food breaks. Which were plenty.
Mon, Sep 24: no run. tired.
Tues, Sep 25: