Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wow... first post since Sep 25. Boy, have I been absentee. Haven't been running a whole lot, but I'm finally able to get some distance done with my vibrams. Whoopee!!!

Thursday (Thanksgiving): 12 miles to and from PW park.

Sun, Dec 2: 8.7 miles around the golf course.

I haven't run too much in between those, but I'll try to post whatever does happen here again.

Mon, Dec 3: 21 minutes easy around the neighborhoods after Colloquium.
Tues, Dec 4: rest?
Wed, Dec 5: run around V (3 mi?) with Ben
Thurs, Dec 6: run ~4 mi with Ben
Fri, Dec 7: run to campus, try to buy Tickets, run back. ~ 2 mi.
Sat, Dec 8: rest.
Sun, Dec 9: 8.96 mi around the golf course + V to get back. 79 minutes, including stoplights. 8:42 pace???

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