Saturday, November 19, 2011

TN Week 8, 9, 10

Wednesday, Nov 9: rest?
Thursday, Nov 10: 7 miles on river trail. Scared off the last mile by a pack of dogs.
Friday, Nov 11: rest
Saturday, Nov 12: rest
Sun, Nov 13: Mayor's 5k run! 24:15 - 30 second start and ran first 1/2 mile with DHaas's dad, who finished 36:06
Mon, Nov 14: rest
Tues, Nov 15: rest
Wed, Nov 16: rest for no reason
Thurs, Nov 17: attempted a 14 mile run but legs so unreasonably dead and tired and groins/quads extremely tight so walked the last 3 painful miles. : ( and I thought it was only 2 miles
Fri, Nov 18: rest
Sat, Nov 19: 5.4 mile run to Old Hickory via Rolling River including 3x3 min aerobic intervals... (43 min total. 9:15 pace avg)
Sun, Nov 20: zip, butt is killing me
Mon, Nov 21: zip
Tues, Nov 22: zip
Wed, Nov 23: zip
Thurs, Nov 24: zip
Fri, Nov 25: 1 mile run with tight butt
Sat, Nov 26: 3 mile run, very slowly and winded : (

Not sure what happened in this time block I think there were a couple 5 mile runs and a 3 mile treadmill attempt in there, but no long run this week:
Sun, Nov 27:
Mon, Nov 28:
Tues, Nov 29:
Wed, Nov 30:
Thurs, Dec 1:
Fri, Dec 2:
Sat, Dec 3:

Sun, Dec 4: rest
Mon, Dec 5: 14 mile long run in parks. Woooh!
Tues, Dec 6: rest (Stony Brook interview!)
Wed, Dec 7: rest
Thurs, Dec 8: 6 miles
Fri, Dec 9: rest
Sat, Dec 10: rest (scared of the cold)
Sun, Dec 11: 9 miles
Mon, Dec 12:

1 comment:

  1. oh nooes, I hope the butt loosens up! keep up the good work :).
