Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Approaching the big days: every one!

Fri, Jan 20: rest
Sat, Jan 21: rest (aah, supposed to do 4 miles easy but forgot)
Sun, Jan 22: 10 miles in the parks (last run over 10 miles, now!)
Mon, Jan 23: rest. Went to open interviews for Organic Food Cafe. It seems really cool-- hope to get it!
Tues, Jan 24: 3 miles, including 3 x 3 min Aerobic intervals. Nice to go a little faster. I wonder if I should have done my long runs at a less relaxed pace, after reading some article about how you should do the first 10 miles of your long run at a less relaxed "race pace." Though I think my race pace will try to be comfortable for the first 10 miles, since my goal is to finish... (Once I said, "break 4 hours," then "break Stephanie's 3:41," but now I think finishing strong is a better goal for me.)
Weds, Jan 25: rest. Continue job apps and get ready for interviews, etc..

Thurs, Jan 26-Feb 5: I don't rightly remember. Went on a 2-mile run at Dartmouth (Jan 31). Had some foot pain at some point. High heels hurt during the two interviews Jan 31 and Feb 2. Went on short bike ride with Malia the morning before the race.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

As the day wears on, my heart wears out.

My title seems inspired by Stephanie's titles... Indubitably!

Sat, Jan 7: rest
Sun, Jan 8: rest
Mon, Jan 9: ? rest? hm
Tues, Jan 10: 5 miles
Wed, Jan 11: rest
Thurs, Jan 12: 10 miles, exploring the route to Radnor from Percy Warner
Fri, Jan 13: rest
Sat, Jan 14: 4 miles
Sun, Jan 15: 20 miles! Percy Warner <--> Radnor, then around Belle Meade a little
Mon, Jan 16: rest (2 mile hike with Daniel, took 75 minutes! legs sore)
Tues, Jan 17: rest
Wed, Jan 18: 5 mile run, 0.6 mile walk with Daniel. Rejected by TFA, but there's still med school.
Thurs, Jan 19: rest, 1 mile walk with Daniel

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year, building up cheer

Thurs, Dec 29: 8 hours of travel to get back to TN. ugh + rest.
Fri, Dec 30: drove over to Chattanooga. rest
Sat, Dec 31: lay in bed all day except for two 1-mile walks up and down a hill.
Sun, Jan 1: Happy New Year! Still stuck in Chattanooga with no running clothes.
Mon, Jan 2: back in town. Can't slow down. little sleep. + emo.
Tues, Jan 3: ran about 20 minutes before getting unreasonably scared of two deer and calling Daniel to come pick me up. It's not as if I don't usually see deer in that park...
Wed, Jan 4: finally, a run! 7.5 miles in about 80 minutes, including some walking up hills. I decided to take it easy on myself as I had been really emo lately. When my expectations are too great, I don't even try sometimes, and I just wanted to get out the door.
Thurs, Jan 5: rest
Fri, Jan 6: 13.74 miles walk/run on the dirt trails of the park. Walked when felt dead, which was up many of the hills, and down the treacherous slopes. Next week I try this on the (more gently sloped) pavements, which I had previously run on (and will race on)! I think I have more endurance then. Total time: 3:20. Also +1.5 mile walk with Daniel before started, for an extra 30 minutes of walk. So slow! This was harder than the 16-mile run 3 weeks ago, and it took way more time.