Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year, building up cheer

Thurs, Dec 29: 8 hours of travel to get back to TN. ugh + rest.
Fri, Dec 30: drove over to Chattanooga. rest
Sat, Dec 31: lay in bed all day except for two 1-mile walks up and down a hill.
Sun, Jan 1: Happy New Year! Still stuck in Chattanooga with no running clothes.
Mon, Jan 2: back in town. Can't slow down. little sleep. + emo.
Tues, Jan 3: ran about 20 minutes before getting unreasonably scared of two deer and calling Daniel to come pick me up. It's not as if I don't usually see deer in that park...
Wed, Jan 4: finally, a run! 7.5 miles in about 80 minutes, including some walking up hills. I decided to take it easy on myself as I had been really emo lately. When my expectations are too great, I don't even try sometimes, and I just wanted to get out the door.
Thurs, Jan 5: rest
Fri, Jan 6: 13.74 miles walk/run on the dirt trails of the park. Walked when felt dead, which was up many of the hills, and down the treacherous slopes. Next week I try this on the (more gently sloped) pavements, which I had previously run on (and will race on)! I think I have more endurance then. Total time: 3:20. Also +1.5 mile walk with Daniel before started, for an extra 30 minutes of walk. So slow! This was harder than the 16-mile run 3 weeks ago, and it took way more time.

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