Thursday, February 23, 2012


Thurs, Feb 23: I just read the official vibram's website, and they had the following suggestions for building mileage in them:

-- start with 10% of usual mileage for the first 2-3 weeks and add 10%/week from there. (!!! I guess I won't be trying a 10 miler any time soon.)
-- Avoid running two days in a row during the first month.
-- When walking start with no more than about a mile/day. Less may be better.
-- If low mileage is too unbearable to handle for the first 3 months, you can supplement mileage with regular shoes and then decrease that mileage as you increase Vibram mileage.

According to this, I walked borderline to too much in my Vibram's when I was first trying to break them in this summer. Which explains why my feet hurt a little too much. I have a bit of the runner's twitch, so I'm going to take up the last point and go for a run in my running shoes today, and then look for some local 5k to put on the calendar.

I guess this is going to be a long, gradual, patient process... Which is good, I guess. I've been needing another long-term goal. Also, I think I'm making headway with my job apps to fundraise for za early-summer bike tour (!)

2ish miles in regular shoes. Legs still fatigued. From marathon or what?

The days following... Paradise and Back

Ran on Feb 5. Stiff-walked around the next few days. I pulled some part of my lower back so I had to get help with my luggage at some points in the subsequent travelling.

I decided my mission after the marathon was to start running completely in Vibram's. So I'll try to walk around in them and run when I can in them, though for traveling I used my running shoes out of convenience.

Feb 7: --> HI.
Feb 9- Feb 15: tried to do a bit of exercise each day. Go hiking (Kokohead, Diamondhead, Kuli'ou'ou ridge, Kokohead again) and on a few walks. Used vibrams on all but Kuli'ou'ou. Went swimming in Hanauma bay twice to look at fishes. I got a little nervous of the open ocean-- didn't stay there long.
Ate a lot of food in Hawaii, but I don't think I gained 5 pounds, unlike last time I visited, in high school. ;p

Sun, Feb 19: probably 2.5 miles in vibram's. turned back before the 3.0 mile mark because feet hurt.
Mon, Feb 20: 3.0 miles in vibram's! feet hurt a little.
Tues, Feb 21: rest. calves + hamstrings a little tight.
Wed, Feb 22: 2.3 miles in PW, though probably 0.1 mile of that was walked.

Feb 5 (First Marathon)

Race day (Feb 5): Absolutely fantastic. It was simply great to see the pals. And I felt strong the first 7 miles, and then legs hurt a bit the next. Even had a little sprint at the end. Way behind Steph and Keeley (saw Keeley during the race, but not Steph) the whole way, but I think I paced myself well enough. Further, it looks like I finished in the top half of finishers. ; p Legs very stiff after 20 miles, but kept moving and generally passing.

Overall: 1033 out of 2444
Women: 281 out of 901
F 18-24: 29 out of 78
Age/Grade: 53.55% Place: 1109
Finish: 4:12:55 Pace: 9:39
Tag Time: 4:12:55
Gun Time: 4:20:26
Split Times
3 Mi: 28:03 Pace: 9:21
6 Mi: 55:43 Pace: 9:18
12.2 Mi: 1:54:51 Pace: 9:25
20.9 Mi: 3:18:51 Pace: 9:31

These splits show my overall pacing, so here's my actual min/mi pacing between markers:

0-3 mi: 9:21
3-6 mi: 9:13
6-12.2 mi: 9:32
12.2-20.9: 9:40
20.9-26.2: 10:24

I liked it. Ate the shot blocks they gave out and didn't actually end up consuming any gels I had bought the day before. Didn't hydrate enough towards the end because I wanted to keep on moving, but it was great.