Thursday, February 23, 2012


Thurs, Feb 23: I just read the official vibram's website, and they had the following suggestions for building mileage in them:

-- start with 10% of usual mileage for the first 2-3 weeks and add 10%/week from there. (!!! I guess I won't be trying a 10 miler any time soon.)
-- Avoid running two days in a row during the first month.
-- When walking start with no more than about a mile/day. Less may be better.
-- If low mileage is too unbearable to handle for the first 3 months, you can supplement mileage with regular shoes and then decrease that mileage as you increase Vibram mileage.

According to this, I walked borderline to too much in my Vibram's when I was first trying to break them in this summer. Which explains why my feet hurt a little too much. I have a bit of the runner's twitch, so I'm going to take up the last point and go for a run in my running shoes today, and then look for some local 5k to put on the calendar.

I guess this is going to be a long, gradual, patient process... Which is good, I guess. I've been needing another long-term goal. Also, I think I'm making headway with my job apps to fundraise for za early-summer bike tour (!)

2ish miles in regular shoes. Legs still fatigued. From marathon or what?

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