Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Irvine Week 6

Tuesday: terrible mental PMS, so didn't get out the door to run, but biked 15 miles roundtrip to tutor. All the Herbalife-encouraged starvation backfired and I tried the caloric equivalent of drying my tears with cheeseburgers (and candy corn! 'Tis the season!) last night.
Wednesday: biked 15 miles roundtrip to tutor, then ran ~6miles (0.3 mile walk to cooldown) around Turtle Rock for my "5 mile run with uphills." This is my belated beginning of Week 6 of the RW training plan. I'm a little worried about running in Vegas, but something can be worked out, I'm sure... Tentatively a 7 mile run Friday morning there (where???), then on Sunday morning when I'm back from Vegas. ...Yeah!
Thursday: rest
Friday: wow, exactly 7.0 mile run on the sidewalks, steps, and pedestrian bridges of Vegas, from the MGM Grand to the Stratosphere and back around 7,8 in the a.m.. The hardcore drinkers were still up then, so my middle finger got some exercise, too.
Saturday: rest
Sunday: rest
Monday: AWESOME 11.5-12 mi run on Shady Canyon to Uni all the way to Harvard and then home.
weekly mileage: 30 miles bike, 24.5-25 miles run

Friday, October 21, 2011

Irvine Week 5

Thus has begun a new month in Irvine... Wowza!

Tuesday: rest from running, but bike ~13 miles (to Herbalife and back). Signed up to be a coach and started the program this afternoon. A little hungry @ night time.
Wednesday: 4.5 miles (oh... I'd thought it was 5. Gaaah!). Day 2 of being on Herbalife (as my job requires), and didn't eat quite enough. Biked 15 miles (to Hunter and back, with breaks in between for tutoring and the smoothie party). Ravenous all day.
Thursday: rest.
Friday: Meant to do 7 miles, but ended up doing 8.4. 0.2 mile cooldown. Was hoping to do a certain set of paths near the Bonita Canyon sports park, but ended up running on a different path instead and figured it'd be shorter than the intended route, but it wasn't actually. Not just tired, but exhausted during and after the first mile, but really glad that I did it!
Saturday: rest.
Sunday: Discovered the most wonderful trails down Sandy Canyon. First 2 miles are pavement, but after that there is a dirt trail side-by-side with a bike trail. It passes by some nice areas, both naturally and neighborhood-wise, and 5 miles into the run I found Quail Trail (or some name along those lines), and got lost off-trail trying to figure out how it connected with Uni. I was so upset! At least 10 minutes bumbling around worrying about stepping in Quail (or rattlesnake) burrows, and destroying wildlife preserves : ( : ( : (. 2 miles on that quail loop, not including walking/hiking offtrail, and then ran 3 miles back to where the dirt trail ended, and finished by walking the last 2 miles on pavement. Total: 10 mile run, 2 mile walk to cooldown.
Monday: rest (bike 15 miles round trip to tutor)
Weekly total: 43 miles bike, 23 miles in 3 runs.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Irvine Week 4

Tues, Oct 11: 3 mile run-- started off fast-ish, then went easy as legs started to feel it.
Wed, Oct 12: Ran 3 miles to Newport Beach to pick up guitar case+ stand with E, then the 3 miles back carrying them. Easy.
Thurs, Oct 13: 5k race simulation started with E. 1 mile warmup to Harvard/U, then U into West side of park and back on University. Waited for E, who didn't show up, then jogged the course backwards to make sure she wasn't eaten by a rattlesnake or-- anything similarly crippling. Turns out she got lost and went home. I ran an extra two miles to make ~ 7 total (1 warmup, 3 race, 2 looking for E, 1 warmdown). Job interview! Got a sketchy wellness coach job.
Fri: Rest. Another job interview!
Sat: Rest-ish. Due to poor planning missed both the family reunion/Granny's birthday AND the alumni. Was very upset. Hung out with Steph and Clara, which was the opposite of upsetting. Ran to the gym with Steph on bike, did abs, and ran back. ~ 3/4 mile total. Reduced SHAX w/ all the great books!
Sun: Rest. Emo or something like that. Abs tired.
Mon: 8.4 miles. Wanted to follow Newport Coast Dr, but it didn't have a sidewalk, so I did Bonita Canyon instead and got some ideas for later runs this week.
Weekly total: ~25 miles in 4 days of running.
Next week: Week 6 (5 (6 min uphill),7,10). Maybe Turtle Rock, Bonita Canyon Parks, and... something awesome!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Irvine Week 3

Tuesday, Oct 4: 6am-9:30pm workday with 2 hours for dinner. I had time for a run, but didn't apply it because I thought I would have to take the bus.
Wednesday, Oct 5: No clue why I didn't run this day-- probably something about working or feeling sorry for myself. I think I ate a lot of chocolate.
Thursday, Oct 6: Finally back into it! Same for E+ J. Hill workout by running through the West side of the park (2 mile warmup), then up ~ 200m stretch on Ridgeline x 4.5, then jog back via University. Total? ~ 4.5 + 1 mile of hills = 5.5 miles.
Friday, Oct 7: Easy 3 or 4 miles with E + J. Got a little confused on the route, so not sure how far it was.
Saturday, Oct 8: Goal was to do a long run to the Bruxie Gourmet Waffle Sandwiches (11.8mi), but J pulled something around his knee 6.5 miles through, so Malia picked us up from there. Got a little lost (Grand Ave was poorly labeled) but now we know. Ordered E + J new running shoes, as theirs have been in service for years.
Sun: rest
Mon, Oct 10: a.m. workout with E: run to East side of the park. 4 accelerations. 3 short tempo (~400m, 800m, 400m) jogging back. 2 accelerations, then ran back. Started walk/warm down on our street. 2.6 mi (warm up/down) + 2 miles tempo/jog + 0.5 mile accelerations = 5.1 miles

Weekly total: 20.6 miles
Plan week: Let's say that just finished Week 5, except there was no 5k race. I think we need that long speedwork, just to break out of our little distance shells, so maybe next week should be speed week.
Goal for next week: Week 5 of the plan, with one extra run.