Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Irvine Week 6

Tuesday: terrible mental PMS, so didn't get out the door to run, but biked 15 miles roundtrip to tutor. All the Herbalife-encouraged starvation backfired and I tried the caloric equivalent of drying my tears with cheeseburgers (and candy corn! 'Tis the season!) last night.
Wednesday: biked 15 miles roundtrip to tutor, then ran ~6miles (0.3 mile walk to cooldown) around Turtle Rock for my "5 mile run with uphills." This is my belated beginning of Week 6 of the RW training plan. I'm a little worried about running in Vegas, but something can be worked out, I'm sure... Tentatively a 7 mile run Friday morning there (where???), then on Sunday morning when I'm back from Vegas. ...Yeah!
Thursday: rest
Friday: wow, exactly 7.0 mile run on the sidewalks, steps, and pedestrian bridges of Vegas, from the MGM Grand to the Stratosphere and back around 7,8 in the a.m.. The hardcore drinkers were still up then, so my middle finger got some exercise, too.
Saturday: rest
Sunday: rest
Monday: AWESOME 11.5-12 mi run on Shady Canyon to Uni all the way to Harvard and then home.
weekly mileage: 30 miles bike, 24.5-25 miles run


  1. Running in Vegas? When are you going to Vegas?

  2. I was there for an Herbalife conference this weekend.
