Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Irvine Week 4

Tues, Oct 11: 3 mile run-- started off fast-ish, then went easy as legs started to feel it.
Wed, Oct 12: Ran 3 miles to Newport Beach to pick up guitar case+ stand with E, then the 3 miles back carrying them. Easy.
Thurs, Oct 13: 5k race simulation started with E. 1 mile warmup to Harvard/U, then U into West side of park and back on University. Waited for E, who didn't show up, then jogged the course backwards to make sure she wasn't eaten by a rattlesnake or-- anything similarly crippling. Turns out she got lost and went home. I ran an extra two miles to make ~ 7 total (1 warmup, 3 race, 2 looking for E, 1 warmdown). Job interview! Got a sketchy wellness coach job.
Fri: Rest. Another job interview!
Sat: Rest-ish. Due to poor planning missed both the family reunion/Granny's birthday AND the alumni. Was very upset. Hung out with Steph and Clara, which was the opposite of upsetting. Ran to the gym with Steph on bike, did abs, and ran back. ~ 3/4 mile total. Reduced SHAX w/ all the great books!
Sun: Rest. Emo or something like that. Abs tired.
Mon: 8.4 miles. Wanted to follow Newport Coast Dr, but it didn't have a sidewalk, so I did Bonita Canyon instead and got some ideas for later runs this week.
Weekly total: ~25 miles in 4 days of running.
Next week: Week 6 (5 (6 min uphill),7,10). Maybe Turtle Rock, Bonita Canyon Parks, and... something awesome!

1 comment:

  1. MY ABS WERE TIRED TOO!!!! Also, I'm very sorry that you missed the reunion/party/xc alums. But at least you saw The Great Books. That was pretty good. I quite enjoyed the dumplings and the burger, too.
