Friday, October 7, 2011

Irvine Week 3

Tuesday, Oct 4: 6am-9:30pm workday with 2 hours for dinner. I had time for a run, but didn't apply it because I thought I would have to take the bus.
Wednesday, Oct 5: No clue why I didn't run this day-- probably something about working or feeling sorry for myself. I think I ate a lot of chocolate.
Thursday, Oct 6: Finally back into it! Same for E+ J. Hill workout by running through the West side of the park (2 mile warmup), then up ~ 200m stretch on Ridgeline x 4.5, then jog back via University. Total? ~ 4.5 + 1 mile of hills = 5.5 miles.
Friday, Oct 7: Easy 3 or 4 miles with E + J. Got a little confused on the route, so not sure how far it was.
Saturday, Oct 8: Goal was to do a long run to the Bruxie Gourmet Waffle Sandwiches (11.8mi), but J pulled something around his knee 6.5 miles through, so Malia picked us up from there. Got a little lost (Grand Ave was poorly labeled) but now we know. Ordered E + J new running shoes, as theirs have been in service for years.
Sun: rest
Mon, Oct 10: a.m. workout with E: run to East side of the park. 4 accelerations. 3 short tempo (~400m, 800m, 400m) jogging back. 2 accelerations, then ran back. Started walk/warm down on our street. 2.6 mi (warm up/down) + 2 miles tempo/jog + 0.5 mile accelerations = 5.1 miles

Weekly total: 20.6 miles
Plan week: Let's say that just finished Week 5, except there was no 5k race. I think we need that long speedwork, just to break out of our little distance shells, so maybe next week should be speed week.
Goal for next week: Week 5 of the plan, with one extra run.

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