Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3.68 miles

Found a new path through the parks! A little 3-inch trail cleaving into a land of blackberries. Although it's very short, it was refreshing to find a new route in Beaverton. Finished via Barrows and Scholls. As I gmap-pedometer the route, I see I ran alongside a park and could have run there for 1/2 a mile instead of alongside the newly developed shopping centers, but next time.

Am going blind. Need to buy hat ASAP.

TMS = 17.5

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2.89 miles easy

To Weir/Murray on the sidewalk and back through the parks. On the way back I raced my mom and little sisters, who were in the car coming home for the last 50 meters uphill. They of course got to the driveway first, but I got to the front door first. My left shoe makes a squeaky sound sometimes so I think it's time to get a new pair. I will try buying them online, I think, maybe get last year's model for cheaper. The theme of my life currently is that unless I'm paralyzed by the fact that I'm just not good enough, and that crept into my mind as I thought, wow, less than 3 miles, that's shameful. On the bright side, a mere 2.9 miles does make me feel better and makes me 2.9 miles closer to my goals.

What's the theme of this week? Ease back into running so that I can begin my marathon plan week after next.

Arghh!!! Someone just stole the shower while I was writing this entry. Agony upon agonies! Darkness upon neverending night!

TMS = 14

Monday, August 29, 2011

4.45 miles (Easy)

Ran down to Sexton Mtn and back. Legs feel better, but maybe that's because I set my own pace today. I'm going to try and get in the habit of posting after every run.

I actually really, really like writing (emo) introspective things in blogs about my life and how meaningful it seems at the time and how much I connect with it, but that's kind of like "so high school" so maybe I must content myself to express myself only about running. He he he?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

4.2 miles

Ran to the local high school and back, pulled the whole way by my youngest sister, the gymnast. Oompf! We sprinted a couple times past the speed van parked near the school and the first time (when we were side-by-side) got it to register 13 mph. Legs pretty stiff starting out, and wow, is my sis in shape, but it was a good run. I'm glad to be out there. Long Beach, you're 4 miles closer!

TMS = 6.5
TMS = Total Mileage of the Season, counted by adding up runs which are first rounded up or down to the nearest 0.5 mile.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Back! 2.35 miles

Have been getting fat here at Fortress Pintail in Oregon. I went to my pediatrician last week (haven't graduated to a grown ups doctor yet... too lazy) with a fever and she got really spooked by one result of a blood test. The result doesn't really tell much, but sometimes when people are really sick it's elevated like mine was. Anyway, she was afraid that I had metastatic lymphoma or something terrible and told me to stop running and don't go to Pasadena until we got it figured out. I became emo and sullen (and fat!) for the next week.

We've finally shrugged the result off as a seemingly harmless oddity and I am beginning to train for the Long Beach Marathon on Sunday, February 5. I think the important thing for me to remember is that I'm not doing this because it's easy, but because it's difficult and that that's the direction I want my life to take right now. Also, running's really awesome.

Anyway, today ran the usual segment of the powerlines park and took the scenic route down for a measly 2.35 miles, albeit including some good hills. (The first half is a series of (5? 6?) hills which by the time you get to the top of the last one you're at the top of "suicide hill--" to give some idea of the altitude gain.) Not a mega run, but I'm glad to be back in the business. Wahoo!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Trotting + pondering possible beginnings

Today sortof marks the 3.5 week mark for continuous running around. 58 miles total. Last week included three long nights at the hospital (autopsy, meeting, trauma), so I didn't run those days, yet managed to feel tired the three days I did run.

I'm thinking very seriously about this marathon business, but I think I would need to commit to some desperate measures to prevent injury. Like, maybe investing in a bucket to ice my feet in. They feel a bit apprehensive at times, and I always fear that it may develop into injury. But maybe they're just tired from the Vibram's. The marathon plan I'm thinking of following is a 16-week schedule get a beginner runner (my current fitness level) to the point where they're able to run and probably finish a marathon. It's also a 4 day/week plan, only running T/Th/S/Su.,7120,s6-238-244--6946-2-3X5X7-4,00.html

RW suggests that this is for someone who does 4 mile runs like nothing, (but they are still something to me) so my plan is to build to a thirty mile week, hold it, and then start the plan. But if I start @ 20 miles/week, it'll progress (using 10% rule) like:

20 miles
22 miles
24 miles
27 miles
30 miles
30 miles
(week of September 1)-->begin 16-week marathon plan

That's 22 weeks total, with Dec 10 as the absolute earliest I could run a marathon. To be conservative, I'd add an extra few weeks to stave off injury.

Need to buy: bucket to ice feet + running hat so I don't get cataracts.