Saturday, August 27, 2011

Back! 2.35 miles

Have been getting fat here at Fortress Pintail in Oregon. I went to my pediatrician last week (haven't graduated to a grown ups doctor yet... too lazy) with a fever and she got really spooked by one result of a blood test. The result doesn't really tell much, but sometimes when people are really sick it's elevated like mine was. Anyway, she was afraid that I had metastatic lymphoma or something terrible and told me to stop running and don't go to Pasadena until we got it figured out. I became emo and sullen (and fat!) for the next week.

We've finally shrugged the result off as a seemingly harmless oddity and I am beginning to train for the Long Beach Marathon on Sunday, February 5. I think the important thing for me to remember is that I'm not doing this because it's easy, but because it's difficult and that that's the direction I want my life to take right now. Also, running's really awesome.

Anyway, today ran the usual segment of the powerlines park and took the scenic route down for a measly 2.35 miles, albeit including some good hills. (The first half is a series of (5? 6?) hills which by the time you get to the top of the last one you're at the top of "suicide hill--" to give some idea of the altitude gain.) Not a mega run, but I'm glad to be back in the business. Wahoo!