Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2.89 miles easy

To Weir/Murray on the sidewalk and back through the parks. On the way back I raced my mom and little sisters, who were in the car coming home for the last 50 meters uphill. They of course got to the driveway first, but I got to the front door first. My left shoe makes a squeaky sound sometimes so I think it's time to get a new pair. I will try buying them online, I think, maybe get last year's model for cheaper. The theme of my life currently is that unless I'm paralyzed by the fact that I'm just not good enough, and that crept into my mind as I thought, wow, less than 3 miles, that's shameful. On the bright side, a mere 2.9 miles does make me feel better and makes me 2.9 miles closer to my goals.

What's the theme of this week? Ease back into running so that I can begin my marathon plan week after next.

Arghh!!! Someone just stole the shower while I was writing this entry. Agony upon agonies! Darkness upon neverending night!

TMS = 14

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