Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Irvine Week 2

Tuesday 27 Sep: rest, eat a lot of food, get fat
Wednesday 28 Sep: Ran with J: 3.25 miles warm up (Culver/Michelin/University), 3 accelerations, then 3 x 0.5 miles tempo, jog back as recovery. Jog to our street and walk from there. Workout on blacktop mostly. Plantar fascia took a while to warm up. Can't wait to ice them (DHaas left the ice pack in Pasadena : (). Total: 6.5 mi? Possibly a little more including accelerations and warm-down.
Thursday 29 Sep: ran easy with E + J, but plantar fascia disturbingly tight. (Forgot to massage them before starting out.) Thought of going back early, but it warmed up after 2 or 3 miles. Total: 4.7 mile run, then 0.3 mile walk cooldown.
Friday 30 Sep: rest!
Saturday 1 Oct: Trying to put the long runs back onto Saturdays. 8.6 miles (E side of park, Ridgeline, Turtleridge going clockwise) (first 7.4 miles with E+J) then 0.3 miles walk to cooldown.
Sunday 2 Oct: rest
Monday 3 Oct: 5am-11pm workday. No run.
Weekly total: 19.8 (only 3 runs)

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