Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mon, Aug 6: cookies and ice cream all day. Gross! But I ate them. Medical school is unusually unhealthy in its opportunities. Our big-little ceremony took us late, right into the time for running club, so I ran ~ 4 miles on my own, going for an overall light tempo. (Wanted to feel fast!)
Tues, Aug 7: rest? volunteered at Shade Tree.
Wed, Aug 8: Ran in the a.m. with padawan Molena. ~ 2 mi? including 5x accelerations.
Thurs, Aug 9: Ran Murphy to the park, but didn't go all the way around the golf course (I didn't know entirely where I was going). 6 mi, the last half of it at 9:10 - 9:15 pace. Easy/medium. "the Hammer" (aah, my allergic/asthmatic throat!) hit at the beginning, but I got more comfortable towards the end.
Fri, Aug 10: a.m. run with both padawans! 2.7 mi, including ~ 4 walking breaks.
Sat, Aug 11: Another 7 mi (Red, White) trail run in the park with Cam and Keaton. While I kept them in sight for 50 minutes last run, I lost them quite early on (~20 min?) on this run, and I got the feeling they went easy on me. They had to wait for me a few times. At one point I was trying to keep up the pace while listening to them talk about studying habits. : ) And somehow I missed the trailhead and ended up running an extra 1/2 - 1 mile. Aaah!
Sun, Aug 12: a.m. run with the padawans scheduled! : D UPDATE: ...and a good 3 mi through Belmont it was.

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