Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mon, July 30: woke up late from nap, so got to running club late (still ran there). Ran 3 mi loop with Victoria (we missed the pack!) and then ran back with Kensie. 7 mi total.
Tues, July 31: rest
Wed, Aug 1: rest. angsty + storms.
Thurs, Aug 2: Ran 3.6 mi around Vandy. Felt : )!
Fri, Aug 3: ran/walk 2 mi in the a.m. with Molina and Layla. But I forgot the turn so we didn't do the whole planned route. Then I did the 2.6 mi loop by myself so I could show it to them the next time!
Sat, Aug 4: ran 7 mi in PW park (red + white) with Cam and Keaton. They're both quite fit! I stayed in sight (hard! high tempo, and Keaton shot ahead up the hills : ) until the last 2 mi, and then I dropped and slowed down a lot (and then got back to a reasonable, if not as fast as before, pace)
Sun, Aug 5: Glad to wake up (~ 6:30am). Terrible hangover. 3 mi around the neighborhoods to feel a little better. Could have gone longer np! But it was spur of the moment. Morning was difficult, but I think the afternoon can be productive. P.M. run with layla, molina?
Weekly total: 25.2 mi run

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