Saturday, August 18, 2012

Yoohoo, first test! Woohoo, first rest!

Mon, Aug 13: 2 mi to DR's house. 4 mi there (started with Ben, lost him, ran with Lucy, eventually caught up to DR, whose 30:01 today will be likely smashed in coming weeks. ride back following search.
Tues, Aug 14: rest
Wed, Aug 15: missed East Nasty in the p.m. (studying : o ), but got in a 2.5 miles in the a.m. checking to see if anyone from the Slytherin club was at the track. No one was, but a good wakeup run!
Thurs, Aug 16: Ran to track (1 mile), then 1k warmup on track, then 6 x 1km intervals with DR club. Ran between Steve/DR. Initially aimed for 4:15 (6:58 mi), but ended up with 4:08, 4:03, 3:51 (Steve!), 4:02, 4:06???, 4:02. Then a 74s "all-out" 400m. I think I said "I'm so excited" about a million times afterwards. ; p
Friday, Aug 17: Yesterday DR said "honor code" we had to run 3-5 miles recovery, but I ended up thrifting after the test, and then going on a fantastic date. Yeeks! I think I'm obligated to report myself.
Sat, Aug 18: 9 miles a.m. with Amy. ~98 minutes? Then PANCAKE PANTRY!

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