Monday, July 19, 2010

a disingtegration of routine

Thurs, Jul 9: ran fartlek w/ Emily in Highland Forest.
Fri, Jul 10: did 9 mile route w/ Emily but walked a mile or so near end-- heat was killer!


Wed??? ran Huntington with Steph. dead

Fri, Jul 17 ran Lacey long way with self.

Sat, Jul 18: biked 40 miles to Huntington, piddled around, biked to Blue line and took that back to Pasadena

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yesterday (37.8? miles biking)

Yesterday: We biked from max station to Hagg lake, around, and then back to B STREET where Kallen's parents picked us up. It was a good one. Kallen had something going on with her hip, though, so I got more cleat practice. (btw, first ride with those new ones! Awesome) I am terrible at pulling-- must learn to do that better.
Good times. I'll miss biking with these trees and that girl.

Packed up the bike today. Will mail it today or tommorrow.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Yesterday (4.2 miles)

Tuesday, Jul 6: 4.2 miles with Emily on 155th to Hart and back. Emily had eaten rice with a lot of hot sauce earlier, so we stopped a lot to stretch/want-to-barf (me/emily), but it was a good run. Nice recovery from the other day. Kallen and I plan on doing an awesome bike ride around a lake today, and I will try out my new cycling shoes. Yikes! Ye gods! Wahoo! I'm scared!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mileage the past week

Week of Mon, June 29 - Sun, July 4:
goal: 20 miles (recovery week). Also was supposed to do striders 2x/week.

0 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 6.1 +4.4 + 0 = 16.5
20 + 10 + 21 + 0 + 16.4 + 0 + 14= 81.4

Didn't quite get to 20 miles. Also didn't run even half of the days in the week. I think the legs needed the rest, though. This next week is supposed to be 30-35 miles. I think I can do it if I start icing my foot for real.

New Jeans, awesome possum

Sunday, 4th of July: was going to do an epic bike ride with Kallen, but her shifting cable broke, leaving her on an unbearably high gear. She took out my multitool (thanks, Zane!) and messed with the derailer, earning herself two gears down, and we finished the 14 mile loop only once and then went off to go get her bike fixed. Saw the Sauvie Island Half Marathon and Marathon finishing up, tho. What a party! Drooled at shoes, cleats, pedals.
Monday, 5th of July: biked 5 miles to Kallen's house, played tennis, got ice cream, bought shoes, cleats, pedals (oh, my!), and then went to run with Emily in the dusk. It was awesome. Some leftover fireworks were still going up, and we ran in the fattest park ever, on a trail that went steadily uphill for about 2 miles, before we off-roaded it completely and ran in grass up to our knees (feared snakes, but none here are poisonous) and encountered the highway after a while. Total might have been 90 minutes. I looked it up on gmap-ped later, and it was 7 miles round trip as the crow flies-- but probably more, because I didn't know the neighborhood or the actual route. It was dark when we finished, then we walked around the neighborhood to warm down. Lovely! still need to treat arches..!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

4.4 miles

put on my shoes and didn't even know if I should go outside. difficult to interpret various fatigues of the body, but I think I'm pretty good. Should treat my foot soon, have been not getting to it for a while. Halfway through the run, I saw 7 duck youthlings marching across the street in a tight line. They were probably 1/2 the mass of a full-grown duck, so they were much more than ducklings. In fact, they just looked like female ducks scaled down. Anyway, I stopped-- as to not scare them. My sense of group mentality made me want to get behind them and start marching, wobbling as they did, but instead I walked a safe distance behind them. I followed them off the beaten (ouch!) path, crouching under some trees and crossing another road, until they disappeared into some bushes and reappeared in a pond in a local park, joining two more identical-looking ducks to swim off into the distance. Satisfied that it was good that I left the house, I huffed up the rest of those hills and came home.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday days are alright for living alive always every day forever (honestly, guys)

6.1 miles. Did the new park route I found backwards, starting up the abandoned private drive on Davis. A little rain occasionally. Have noticed start of plantar fasciitis last week, so should ice that later. Legs tired during second half. Excited to do a long (9 miles?) run on Saturday, then a long bike Sunday morning. : )

Later in the day: biked to Kalolen's house, then with her and Joey to the velodrome (5.7 miles from Kallen's house) and back, then she gave us rides home after watching a James bond movie and eating delicious pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and onions. 16.4?

Another fraction of the week, another fraction of life justly spent, even if ambition makes for regret (on this blog there is none)

Tues, June 29: biked 4 or 5 miles to the library, studied, then biked back. biked 8-10 miles total. Was super-tired! Walked bike halfway up both of the two hills, legs were so exhausted from these past few days. Decided legs were desperate for rest, so took off rest of day.
Wed, June 30: Went biking with Kallen. Super-fun! Biked to her house, then we took Scholls to downtown Portland(!!!) and saw people setting up for the Blues Festival at the Waterfront. Crossed the river and took our bikes for a walk (leisurely pedaling) down the East Bank Esplanade and then that other path which starts at the end of that, and took it to (Grand Oaks?) some amusement park. Then retraced our steps, crossed back to the west side of the river and found a max station (Chinatown?). Without knowing the actual route, I'd guess 13 miles to Waterfront, then 8 miles round trip on the Esplanade/ bike path. Perhaps 21 total?
Thurs, Jul 1: Ran wildwood in the AM with Emily and Joey. Ran primarily with Joey. Malia walked with Ili and Leon. We got to Pittock mansion (almost 4) then turned around (I paused only once up the terrifying hills-- and only briefly, I think; I'm quite proud of my self), and shortly after the 2 mile mark ran into the walkers. Walked the last 2 miles with them as a pleasant cooldown. Worked really well-- my legs weren't sore at all later! So ran 6 miles, and walked 2.
Friday: I'm going to do a short ride with Kallen to go watch the bike track races at the velodrome later today. I hope to run 5 miles or so before then.