Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Jeans, awesome possum

Sunday, 4th of July: was going to do an epic bike ride with Kallen, but her shifting cable broke, leaving her on an unbearably high gear. She took out my multitool (thanks, Zane!) and messed with the derailer, earning herself two gears down, and we finished the 14 mile loop only once and then went off to go get her bike fixed. Saw the Sauvie Island Half Marathon and Marathon finishing up, tho. What a party! Drooled at shoes, cleats, pedals.
Monday, 5th of July: biked 5 miles to Kallen's house, played tennis, got ice cream, bought shoes, cleats, pedals (oh, my!), and then went to run with Emily in the dusk. It was awesome. Some leftover fireworks were still going up, and we ran in the fattest park ever, on a trail that went steadily uphill for about 2 miles, before we off-roaded it completely and ran in grass up to our knees (feared snakes, but none here are poisonous) and encountered the highway after a while. Total might have been 90 minutes. I looked it up on gmap-ped later, and it was 7 miles round trip as the crow flies-- but probably more, because I didn't know the neighborhood or the actual route. It was dark when we finished, then we walked around the neighborhood to warm down. Lovely! still need to treat arches..!

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