Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday days are alright for living alive always every day forever (honestly, guys)

6.1 miles. Did the new park route I found backwards, starting up the abandoned private drive on Davis. A little rain occasionally. Have noticed start of plantar fasciitis last week, so should ice that later. Legs tired during second half. Excited to do a long (9 miles?) run on Saturday, then a long bike Sunday morning. : )

Later in the day: biked to Kalolen's house, then with her and Joey to the velodrome (5.7 miles from Kallen's house) and back, then she gave us rides home after watching a James bond movie and eating delicious pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and onions. 16.4?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the biking and running has been going well. Look forward to seeing you later next week!
