Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sun, July 15: right as I was getting ready to go on a long run, I got a text and decided to go bike and visit a friend instead. So... 36 mi of biking (round trip). A little sunburn on arms. I forgot that 20 mi could be considered a long ride by my skin ; (
Mon, July 16: 12.5 mi-- to City Limits, again. This time for half a soup and half a vegetarian sandwich. Walked a bit to do an errand in Bellevue, and then ran after a bus and caught it back most of the way to Nashville (1 mi away from my living space).
Tues, July 17: a lazy rest day. Staying at home, vegging, eating, not eating enough vegetables. Walked out to find the site of my orientation tomorrow, and then came back: a short, sweet, purposeful meander.
Wed, Jul 18: rest. Intended to run, but succumbed to the heat and languor of orientation.
Thurs, Jul 19: 1 mi run in Vibram's in the a.m., then didn't get to a mileage run in the afternoon. did bike 4 mi total (lol) to an orientation picnic @ the dean's house, though.
Fri, Jul 20: Finally! 6.26 mi afternoon run first grazing, then passing through, Centennial Park to Elliston, 16th, etc. Looking forward to tomorrow's rafting adventure with perhaps an a.m. Vibram's run. Not sure how to balance mileage with foot strength right now, but I figure I'll figure something out. : )
Sat, Jul 21: rafting... no a.m. run

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