Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday, June 17- Thurs, June 28: biked with Stephanie. See bike tour blog for notes. Lost 5 or so lbs during this time, on top of the 5 or so lbs before that. They make some joke about losing x pounds (when ex-bf weighs x lbs), but in my case it's x+10? New weight: 130lbs. Constantly hungry now, though. I will probably have to keep quite occupied if I want to keep it off.

Fri, June 28: 2.5 hour hike in Wildwood
Sat, June 29: 5.5 mi run (50 min) with Lili, then 1.5 hour bike
Sun, June 30: 70 min run with Lili
Mon, July 1: 1 mi swim in a.m. (40 minutes?), then short bike (8 mi total?) with Malia to gather lavender and visit the bike shop. Leisurely pace, as Malia had gearing troubles. Have eaten an enormous amount per diem ever since got back. I think it's a combination of being used to eating a lot on the bike trip, and perhaps my body also trying to regain fat. Naughty, Naughty. ; p

This is kindof a low point emotionally. I quit the bike tour because it was almost too much of a vacation, and I felt like there was so much real work I need to get done-- but that decision itself might have been wrong. Either way it has pretty much kicked the stuffing out of me. I feel like I've lost 3 friends (not counting the breakup) in the last few days, but that is a very histrionic account. It's more like I was really poor to one friend, inconsiderate to another, and overenthusiastic to the last.

On the plus side, it's very nice running with Lili (who is in amazing shape!). Our legs are the same length, and we can run stride for stride with each other. I really want to take her out for a fartlek workout one of these days. I also hope to do more biking with Malia, now that her bike is fixed. The pool is pretty relaxing (though I gasp like a fish out of water after each lap), so maybe I will swim a mile each day I am here. And supplement that with a bike ride or a run? We'll see how this goes.

Most of the people I know in Nashville don't want to talk to me anymore, but the city does contain the finish of the Natchez trace, a 444-mile bike/car route with the 340 mile-mark quite close to the Alabama border. I'm thinking of plotting a few centennial or bicentennial days once I get back to TN, but that's for next week. What's in store for tomorrow?

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