Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tues, Jul 3: 1 mi swim around noon (sweet smell of blackberry bushes and random trees... plus those excellent, awesome Oregon clouds when I do the backstroke). In the evening bike to frisbee (only 3 mi one way) and play for 90 minutes (first of those are just throwing the disk around), and bike back. A summer-era triathlon. Needs more running???

On the plus side, I'm starting to feel like myself again. Nay-- to *be* like myself again. (Feeling is so passive. Except when it's passion, but that's a different story.) I woke up, ate a light breakfast, went outside and picked a couple pounds of blueberries from the yard. Then I went swimming, as you know, came back, ate blueberries and lunch, then got to work reading various things and doing small errands. Eventually fell into a nap and woke up in time to snack and head off to frisbee. When I came back I started eating, but got distracted by the awesome idea for making a gluten-free, sugar-free banana pie using my mom's leftover sugarless oatmeal cookie dough in the fridge for crust (with some retained and mixed with coconut for a crumble ontop of half the pie), walnuts, bananas cooked on the stove with cinnamon, all topped with toasted coconut. It was excellent, and surprisingly intensely sweet, from the banana's natural sugar. The family received it warmly, but to my folly Lili can't eat walnuts : (. For penitence I'll make more pies tomorrow that she can eat. Oh yeah, and I did the dishes and the counters. I don't know if I'll get to mopping the floor tomorrow, but I ought to or I'll lose my perfect record so far. Man, I get so much pleasure from running around, eating hand-picked and hand-made food, and doing scullery things for the family. I could be a kick-ass domestic goddess, but in the meantime I think I'll go become a doctor.

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