Monday, July 9, 2012

Wed, July 4: 9 mile run with Lili @ 8:40 pace or faster. I stayed in contact first half, but by the last mile was dragging. Wowee, though! What a great runner she'll be.
Thurs, July 5: rest. Flew to Nashville.
Fri, July 6: ~24 miles biking (to Bellevue in the a.m. with a stop for letter-writing @ Bruegger's; back in the p.m.)
Sat, July 7: lots of walking for errands and such
Sun, July 8: 3 mile run in the morning (too much attn from a homeless guy on Music Row : ( ); more walking
Mon, July 9: 12.5 mile run in the a.m. to City Limits for a "Banini" (Bagel Panini); read; walk 2.5 miles and then take the bus the rest of the way back. Walk ~ 5 mi in the evening: to and from a bar to meet other Vandy meds.
Tues, July 10: rest (walk ~6 mi: to and from the library). The homeless and the youth are, as usual, the most unwelcome compliments.
Wed, July 11: ran 5 mi to the meeting point of East Nasty runners, then ran an easy ~ 4 mi with them (~9:30-10:00 pace?), and then got a ride home. Then 1.5 mi walk to buy stuff off Craigslist.
Thurs, July 12: ran ~4.5 miles (legs so tired from beginning!) to Love Circle and around Vandy. I like that running around Vandy is a greater distance than running around Caltech, though it's much busier in terms of traffic. I see a few hills in the neighborhoods around me, and start pondering future hill workouts with them...
Fri, July 13: This is supposed to be my rest day, but I want to runnnnn! Maybe I'll just do a lot of walking. Make a pilgrimage to Whole Foods and the library or something. UPDATE: Walked 3 mi (6 mi round trip) to Trader Joes/ Whole Foods, and later in the evening another 6 mi of walking to and fro downtown Nasty. Oh what a hipster am I? I actually really enjoyed the fresh, cheap produce of Trader J's. I might make a weekly pilgrimage there from now on...
Sat, July 14: What happened this day? I know I had an emotional hangover, but I don't know what actually happened... I know I walked to and fro the library (6 mi total) to see Ridley Scott's "The Duellists" (1977), and I probably didn't get any more exercise after that...

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