Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wow... first post since Sep 25. Boy, have I been absentee. Haven't been running a whole lot, but I'm finally able to get some distance done with my vibrams. Whoopee!!!

Thursday (Thanksgiving): 12 miles to and from PW park.

Sun, Dec 2: 8.7 miles around the golf course.

I haven't run too much in between those, but I'll try to post whatever does happen here again.

Mon, Dec 3: 21 minutes easy around the neighborhoods after Colloquium.
Tues, Dec 4: rest?
Wed, Dec 5: run around V (3 mi?) with Ben
Thurs, Dec 6: run ~4 mi with Ben
Fri, Dec 7: run to campus, try to buy Tickets, run back. ~ 2 mi.
Sat, Dec 8: rest.
Sun, Dec 9: 8.96 mi around the golf course + V to get back. 79 minutes, including stoplights. 8:42 pace???

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wow, haven't updated in 26 days. Exercise from first part collected from log from Commodore challenge. Rest from memory.

Fri, Aug 31: 120 minutes dancing (Oh, I remember this! Scrubapalooza = barhopping in scrubs.), 25 pushups and 45 minutes walking (30 from transport and 15 for errands, I guess)
Sat, Sep 1: 25 pushups, 25 minutes fast running, 45 min walk.
Sun, Sep 2: 58 min exercise bike, 65 pushups, 75 min walking, 45 more minutes exercise bike, 5 minute abs, 50 more pushups.
Mon, Sep 3: 21 min exercise bike, 75 pushups, 60 min walk, 51 minute exercise bike.
Tues, Sep 4: 21 min dancing (it was that or pushups!), 90 min walk
Wed, Sep 5: 8 min dance, 25 + 75 pushups, 45 min walk
Thurs, Sep 6: 57 pushups, 52 min exercise bike, 45 min walk. (might have been a few more pushups that weren't logged... not sure)
Fri, Sep 7: College Cup 5k! ~ 22 minutes around Vandy. 5th overall for Vandy females. winner was ~18:40, wowee!
Sat, Sep 8: pretty much rest + 4 hours of partners Scrabble (Meredith and I won! Robinson got 2nd place) + lots of cheering

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Go RAVENS!9565

Sun, Sep 9: hm... (not much followed in the next 1.5 weeks. Foot hurt from the injury the week before college cup (from not breaking in new shoes on 14 mi Wed run after a 20 mi Sun run. : ( )
Mon, Sep 10:
Tues, Sep 11:
Wed, Sep 12:
Thurs, Sep 13:
Fri, Sep 14:
Sat, Sep 15:

Sun, Sep 16:
Mon, Sep 17:
Tues, Sep 18:
Wed, Sep 19: ran Vandy loop. 3-3.5 miles? Vibram's.
Thurs, Sep 20: ran ~25??? minutes with Malena. Vibram's.
Fri, Sep 21:
Sat, Sep 22: ran ~38 min around Vandy loop + 2 laps around the concert @ Centennial. Vibram's.
Sun, Sep 23: a.m. bike adventure on 3 hours of sleep. ~62 miles? 12 miles to Natchez, 19 on it, then back home. Took "The Time Traveler's Wife," and read on coffee/food breaks. Which were plenty.
Mon, Sep 24: no run. tired.
Tues, Sep 25:

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sunday, Aug 19: rest
Mon, Aug 20: ~60 min. Got out the door late and caught the Monday running club halfway through. Did a little extra on Belmont.
Tues, Aug 21: rest
Wed, Aug 22: ~8.5 mi (ran to E Nasty, with them, then a ride home from Amy)
Thurs, Aug 23: rest
Fri, Aug 24: rest (start of the Commodore challenge! but I didn't realize it until Sat **)
Sat, Aug 25: rest
Sun, Aug 26: 20 miles: halfway to Chuck's and back. Only brought one bottle of water. Foolishly did not fill it up @ halfway point. Bought another ~ mile 19. Had to drink ~ 6 glasses of water once I got home. Sushi!
Mon, Aug 27: No running club (CELA), but ran (~ 1 mile) to watch the 1st year/2nd year football game and did 27 minutes around the fields with Shyam. 50 pushups, 10 min abs, and a bunch of stretching. Got a ride back home.
Tues, Aug 28: rest
Wed, Aug 29: ~12.5 mi, including 3.5 mi with Gary @ East Nasty. 50 pushups.
Thurs, Aug 30: I have mighty plans!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Yoohoo, first test! Woohoo, first rest!

Mon, Aug 13: 2 mi to DR's house. 4 mi there (started with Ben, lost him, ran with Lucy, eventually caught up to DR, whose 30:01 today will be likely smashed in coming weeks. ride back following search.
Tues, Aug 14: rest
Wed, Aug 15: missed East Nasty in the p.m. (studying : o ), but got in a 2.5 miles in the a.m. checking to see if anyone from the Slytherin club was at the track. No one was, but a good wakeup run!
Thurs, Aug 16: Ran to track (1 mile), then 1k warmup on track, then 6 x 1km intervals with DR club. Ran between Steve/DR. Initially aimed for 4:15 (6:58 mi), but ended up with 4:08, 4:03, 3:51 (Steve!), 4:02, 4:06???, 4:02. Then a 74s "all-out" 400m. I think I said "I'm so excited" about a million times afterwards. ; p
Friday, Aug 17: Yesterday DR said "honor code" we had to run 3-5 miles recovery, but I ended up thrifting after the test, and then going on a fantastic date. Yeeks! I think I'm obligated to report myself.
Sat, Aug 18: 9 miles a.m. with Amy. ~98 minutes? Then PANCAKE PANTRY!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mon, Aug 6: cookies and ice cream all day. Gross! But I ate them. Medical school is unusually unhealthy in its opportunities. Our big-little ceremony took us late, right into the time for running club, so I ran ~ 4 miles on my own, going for an overall light tempo. (Wanted to feel fast!)
Tues, Aug 7: rest? volunteered at Shade Tree.
Wed, Aug 8: Ran in the a.m. with padawan Molena. ~ 2 mi? including 5x accelerations.
Thurs, Aug 9: Ran Murphy to the park, but didn't go all the way around the golf course (I didn't know entirely where I was going). 6 mi, the last half of it at 9:10 - 9:15 pace. Easy/medium. "the Hammer" (aah, my allergic/asthmatic throat!) hit at the beginning, but I got more comfortable towards the end.
Fri, Aug 10: a.m. run with both padawans! 2.7 mi, including ~ 4 walking breaks.
Sat, Aug 11: Another 7 mi (Red, White) trail run in the park with Cam and Keaton. While I kept them in sight for 50 minutes last run, I lost them quite early on (~20 min?) on this run, and I got the feeling they went easy on me. They had to wait for me a few times. At one point I was trying to keep up the pace while listening to them talk about studying habits. : ) And somehow I missed the trailhead and ended up running an extra 1/2 - 1 mile. Aaah!
Sun, Aug 12: a.m. run with the padawans scheduled! : D UPDATE: ...and a good 3 mi through Belmont it was.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mon, July 30: woke up late from nap, so got to running club late (still ran there). Ran 3 mi loop with Victoria (we missed the pack!) and then ran back with Kensie. 7 mi total.
Tues, July 31: rest
Wed, Aug 1: rest. angsty + storms.
Thurs, Aug 2: Ran 3.6 mi around Vandy. Felt : )!
Fri, Aug 3: ran/walk 2 mi in the a.m. with Molina and Layla. But I forgot the turn so we didn't do the whole planned route. Then I did the 2.6 mi loop by myself so I could show it to them the next time!
Sat, Aug 4: ran 7 mi in PW park (red + white) with Cam and Keaton. They're both quite fit! I stayed in sight (hard! high tempo, and Keaton shot ahead up the hills : ) until the last 2 mi, and then I dropped and slowed down a lot (and then got back to a reasonable, if not as fast as before, pace)
Sun, Aug 5: Glad to wake up (~ 6:30am). Terrible hangover. 3 mi around the neighborhoods to feel a little better. Could have gone longer np! But it was spur of the moment. Morning was difficult, but I think the afternoon can be productive. P.M. run with layla, molina?
Weekly total: 25.2 mi run

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sun, Jul 22: rest?
Mon, Jul 23: 2 mi to Dean's Running Club, then 4 quick, kinda hard miles (8:30 pace?) with the boys : )
Tues, Jul 24: rest
Wed, Jul 25: run 4.8 mi to East Nasty, 4 mi with, then back. Total: ~ 13.5-14?
Thurs, Jul 26: rest
Fri, Jul 27: rest. White Coat Ceremony!
Sat, Jul 28: 4 mi race in Goodlettsville with Amy, Gary, Ivan, Ben. 29:45-29:50! 1st in age/gender group, 8th for females, but beaten by several 14-year-olds. 7:30 pace. The whole time (once I could tell my pace from the numbers I was thinking, "I think Stephanie says Clara  can run 7:30 pace forever" ;p couldn't fall asleep because my classmates were being social outside.
Sun, Jul 29: rest, and eat too much. Nap turned into a "bad trip-"like nightmare. Aaah!