Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Irvine Week 2

Tuesday 27 Sep: rest, eat a lot of food, get fat
Wednesday 28 Sep: Ran with J: 3.25 miles warm up (Culver/Michelin/University), 3 accelerations, then 3 x 0.5 miles tempo, jog back as recovery. Jog to our street and walk from there. Workout on blacktop mostly. Plantar fascia took a while to warm up. Can't wait to ice them (DHaas left the ice pack in Pasadena : (). Total: 6.5 mi? Possibly a little more including accelerations and warm-down.
Thursday 29 Sep: ran easy with E + J, but plantar fascia disturbingly tight. (Forgot to massage them before starting out.) Thought of going back early, but it warmed up after 2 or 3 miles. Total: 4.7 mile run, then 0.3 mile walk cooldown.
Friday 30 Sep: rest!
Saturday 1 Oct: Trying to put the long runs back onto Saturdays. 8.6 miles (E side of park, Ridgeline, Turtleridge going clockwise) (first 7.4 miles with E+J) then 0.3 miles walk to cooldown.
Sunday 2 Oct: rest
Monday 3 Oct: 5am-11pm workday. No run.
Weekly total: 19.8 (only 3 runs)

Thursday, September 22, 2011


(I had decided that Stephanie's format is easier to follow and analyze than my previous "one post per run" philosophy.)

Tues: rested, and moved to Irvine
Wed: 3.2 mile easy, but light-on-feet run as it got dark. Explored the new territory. Traffic lights around here make everything stop and go but the spaces between are a good length, so it's not really a burden.
Thurs: 5.7 miles. Longer run, but it didn't even feel like that! I thought it would be around 4 miles. Found the local park and am plotting to take E and J on an easy run tomorrow with some accelerations 2/3 of the way through. 8am, we have decided, is our a.m. start time.
Fri: 6.something miles. Started a little after 8, did the East side of the park, lost E to a stomachache (@ 4 miles), did 7 accelerations with J, ran around the inside of the park West side of the park, then came home. Walked the last 1/2 mile (so 6.6 or so miles altogether).
Sat: walked around looking at garage sales, took a wrong turn and a 2 mile walk turned into 6 miles! yargh!
Sun: back hurts. Ran 4.4 miles with J and E and ended with 0.3 mile walk. Long run tomorrow!
Mon: Back warmed up, but was still quite sore in a.m.. Ran Turtle Rock loop with E + J (5.7 miles) and then went on by exploring down Campus until it turned into dirt. Total for Monday: 8.4 miles then 0.4 miles walk to cool down.

Weekly total: 27.7+ 6 miles walk
TMS = 83 miles

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I own my running shoes

Fri, Sep 16: Lacey Long way. ~ 5 miles.
Sat, Sep 17: Ran to NF, but it was locked, so went down Euston--> Pinehurst--> Hillcrest after doing 3x 10s sprints up Euston. Also sped up for most of Pinehurst. Total: ~5 miles.
Sun, Sep 18: rest
Mon, Sep 19: a.m. run: PATRICIAN! Wahoo! First time doing it since Frosh year, and loved it. Didn't stop a single time on the hill, though the way there and back on Green street had lots of pauses for traffic. 8.8 miles.

Mileage: (Tues-Mon) 18.8 miles + 149.5 minutes cross training + a bunch of running to/fro gym

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wrapping up the transition

Wed, Sep 14: ran to gym, 20 min exercise bike, 7.5 min stairmaster (those things are weird!), 15 min bike, then 8-abs!
Thurs, Sep 15: ran around campus, ran to the gym, 20 min exercise bike, then jog back. A little foot pain when running around the campus, but not bad. Feel ready for a real run tomorrow. : )

I'm tired of all my entries being about "getting back into shape" and such. I have so many beginnings, and if I had been smarter I would have bought new shoes before my foot started complaining about it. Anyway, rain or shine I start the plan on Sep 21!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

X training

jogged to the gym, used the same book for 15 min bike, 17 min elliptical, 10 min bike, then alternated jog/walk back. These shoes are so... bouncy! and I feel like they lengthen my stride because they are so supple. All in new shoes! Tomorrow will continue breaking shoes in by running around campus, and then I can do a workout on Thurs. Med interview at Keck was awesome!

Monday, September 12, 2011


for new shoes to come. Went to gym and did 45 min on exercise bike while reading book, then 6 min abs (5 min abs with an extra min of regular crunches @ the beginning).

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ye gods! Foot pain!

Saturday: rest
Sunday: Gaaah I knew that a squeaky left shoe was a bad sign and shouldn't have ignored it for weeks. Luckily a new pair of shoes is coming in the mail. Boohoohoo. Biked 6 miles to Rose Bowl and back to get some semblance of exercise.

Friday, September 9, 2011

rest, 5.1

Thursday: Rest
Friday: 5.1 miles, Lacey long way, but up via Shenandoah. Also trying this thing where each easy run (assume 2 of them/week) has some 10-second all-out uphill sprints towards the end. (Mixing it up instead of just doing accelerations.) Start with 2 sprints/easy run this week and then increase that number by one each week until @ 8. See how this goes.

Weekly mileage so far: 18.5
TMS = 36

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3.7 North Fields

Ran to NF and then ran every other lap running how I hoped/imagined I would run were I awesomely awesome in shape. That added up to 5 light tempo laps as the sky fell away from its peachy self into an opaque navy punctured by those really bright gym lights. Estimate each lap as 1/4 mile. That's my "speedwork" for this week. Someone told me that you can increase speedwork, or hills, or mileage, but only one at a time. So because I know the 16-week marathon plan is a steady increase in mileage (--well, it has to be--), I'm trying to use this and the next week to lift my knees up and get used to running at different gears before moving to Irvine and officially starting the plan. Wahoo!

Weekly mileage so far: 13.5
TMS = 31

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor(ious) Day! 2.15

Went to the gym hoping to do some North Field or Track accelerations, but the gym was closed and the NF gate ostensibly locked! (Although there was a soccer practice going on in there...) Went to Arden and then came back through campus (2 medium accels throughout) for a measly 2.15. I think accelerations and faster runs are really important for *feeling* like I'm in shape (they make easy runs actually seem easy) so I really want to get those in. Today will just basically be a rest day with this brief shaking of the legs out.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

rest, rest, 5.0

Thurs: rest (travel, sleep depr)
Fri: rest (intestinal distress)
Sat: rest (no particular reason... bad planning?)
Sun: 5.0 miles: Lacey long way

last week's mileage: (Sat-Sat 9/3) = 17.5
goal for this week: 22, including 2 "workouts" with accelerations or tempo bursts

TMS: 22.5