Saturday, September 17, 2011

I own my running shoes

Fri, Sep 16: Lacey Long way. ~ 5 miles.
Sat, Sep 17: Ran to NF, but it was locked, so went down Euston--> Pinehurst--> Hillcrest after doing 3x 10s sprints up Euston. Also sped up for most of Pinehurst. Total: ~5 miles.
Sun, Sep 18: rest
Mon, Sep 19: a.m. run: PATRICIAN! Wahoo! First time doing it since Frosh year, and loved it. Didn't stop a single time on the hill, though the way there and back on Green street had lots of pauses for traffic. 8.8 miles.

Mileage: (Tues-Mon) 18.8 miles + 149.5 minutes cross training + a bunch of running to/fro gym

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