Thursday, September 22, 2011


(I had decided that Stephanie's format is easier to follow and analyze than my previous "one post per run" philosophy.)

Tues: rested, and moved to Irvine
Wed: 3.2 mile easy, but light-on-feet run as it got dark. Explored the new territory. Traffic lights around here make everything stop and go but the spaces between are a good length, so it's not really a burden.
Thurs: 5.7 miles. Longer run, but it didn't even feel like that! I thought it would be around 4 miles. Found the local park and am plotting to take E and J on an easy run tomorrow with some accelerations 2/3 of the way through. 8am, we have decided, is our a.m. start time.
Fri: 6.something miles. Started a little after 8, did the East side of the park, lost E to a stomachache (@ 4 miles), did 7 accelerations with J, ran around the inside of the park West side of the park, then came home. Walked the last 1/2 mile (so 6.6 or so miles altogether).
Sat: walked around looking at garage sales, took a wrong turn and a 2 mile walk turned into 6 miles! yargh!
Sun: back hurts. Ran 4.4 miles with J and E and ended with 0.3 mile walk. Long run tomorrow!
Mon: Back warmed up, but was still quite sore in a.m.. Ran Turtle Rock loop with E + J (5.7 miles) and then went on by exploring down Campus until it turned into dirt. Total for Monday: 8.4 miles then 0.4 miles walk to cool down.

Weekly total: 27.7+ 6 miles walk
TMS = 83 miles

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