Monday, June 28, 2010

Mileage this week

Goal: 6/20 – 26 25-30 miles


Week of Mon, June 21 - Sun, June 27:
6.6 (or 7.6) +4.46+ 7.5 + 0? + 0 +6.7+ 3.2 = 28.46
0 +0 + 0+0+16+22+20 = 58

pretty good, I think.

Next week is 20 miles. A recovery week. That's probably good. Maybe find some time to do a fartlek in there? I must also start working on English research in earnest, so this is convenient. I expect I will be biking to and fro the library (5 miles one way) each day, as well.

A good week (it's a good day to die (protoss zealot))

Thurs, Jun 24: Bike delivered, but there is a problem. Can't remember if I did anything this day. Let's say, probably... not
Fri, Jun 25: Got it fixed! Biked 8 miles out on Murray, then came back (16 miles total) to test it out. Almost killed myself because I didn't tighten the bolt holding the handlebars upright...
Sat, Jun 26: Ran in wildwood with Emily, good pace. Almost 4 miles out, and then was probably about 6.7 miles total when we met up with Malia and decided to walk the rest of the way as a cool down. Promptly got lost and hiked around the zoo, adding at least an extra mile to the cooldown.
Sun, Jun 27: AM: Went biking with Kallen. met at her house and she helped me clean my chain + derailer. first to Merlo then she showed me how to get to the zoo. No idea on the mileage on that. From my house to the zoo is about 11 miles, so let's guess it was 22 miles total. Good pace, legs burrrrrned on those hills, tho. : ) PM: went on a short run because I knew I was going out to sushi! later, but the legs were so heavy. stride seemed half as long. Ran 3.2 miles, then walked the last .18 miles up the hill, as a faux-warm down. I'm not supposed to talk about walking on a running blog because people will think I did it because I'm weak, but I'm trying really hard to prevent overtraining while I exercise as excessively as possible while I'm in Beaverton. Then flopped around in the pool after dinner.
Mon, Jun 28: Biked to Lila's house, talked, had dinner (delicious! and healthy), and biked back. 10 miles each way.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

7.5, then 0.9 walking to cool down

Started run at perhaps 3pm. Finished stretching and checked the time and it was 4:44pm. Dunno how time worked out, but it felt really slow! Wanted to take it easy on my quads (couldn't fall asleep until late last night because they were tight as daggers), and ended up being buffeted a bit by the heat anyway, so it was probably slow. At some points I thought, oh, it'll be worth it to walk this extreme uphill (I love how hilly Beaverton is, although the downhills are really annoying because they're awkward), but a few seconds later I had regained my wind and thought, wow, this is silly and kept running. Stopped a lot in the shade. So it really wasn't as continuous as all my other runs up to this point. Temperature 85 degrees. 155 to Hart then slightly left into some system of parks and went North until Farmington, then back on Murray. Again, in homage to my quads, walked the last 0.9 miles up to my house. May seem wimpy, but I think I'll be able to sleep better tonight. Maybe I should have finished the run and then walked an additional 0.9 miles, but I feel like I always finish long runs only out of desperation-- out of parchment, pain, overheating, exhertion-- and knowing the only way to stop is to get to my house, where I can cut it out and drink water. So it would have been hard to leave that and go cool down. But hey, I'm glad I got out the door.

I think my running log entries are mainly for me to record my thoughts, impressions and feelings about how I'm doing running-wise, because these entries contain way more than would amuse the average reader. ; )

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rest day, funky knees: 4.46 miles

Started near the bottom of the powerlines and went all the way up, to weir, which it turns out, is about 1 mile. Went up a little and turned downhill on 160th, then did 155th to Beard to Murray then back through the shopping center straddled by Teal and Scholls. 4.46 miles. Was to be a rest day so that I can go long tomorrow (oh where, oh where should I go? Maybe I can get Kallen to go running, but I dunno) but my knees really protested the downhills and the cement sidewalks in particular. In Pasadena I had done pretty well about sticking to the grass. Dunno if that affects knees. Quads still tight. Today was sunny but the clouds came out in time for my run. Didn't even think about temperature, it was so fine.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Being bored and criminal, I decided to compile biking and running milages and compare them to the XC preseason mileages Scott sent out.

5/30 – 6/5 15-20 miles
6/6 – 12 15-20 miles
6/13 – 19 25-30 miles
6/20 – 26 25-30 miles
6/27 – 7/3 20 miles (recovery week)
7/4 – 10 30-35 miles
7/11 – 17 30-35 miles
7/18 – 24 25 miles (recovery week)
7/25 – 31 35-40 miles
8/1 – 7 35-40 miles
8/8 – 14 30 miles (recovery week)
8/15 – 21 45 miles
8/22 – 28 45 miles

Also, w/ 6-10 striders 2x/week starting in July.

5/31 - 6/6: Goal = 15-20
4.5+3+6+4.2 = 17.7
15.7+ 21 = 36.7

6/7 - 6/13: Goal = 15-20
5+5+6.2 = 16.2
25 = 25

6/14 - 6/20: Goal = 25-30
4+7+4+4.5 = 19.5
15? = 15?

Stuffed with Fluff

All I do around here is eat. Oh, yeah, and today I ran 7.6? miles according to gmap-p. At minimum 6.6 miles. Hard to map because I took a park path less traveled and by the time I left it I turned around to read a sign marking it as Private Property. As usual it gets easier a couple miles into the run. Uphills and downhills, as typical of my part of the Portland area. Legs were very tight at beginning, particularly the quads.

I really miss my bicycle. It's in the mail somewhere... hope to receive it on Wednesday or Thursday. Getting riding withdrawal. Weather is extremely cloudy, not hot at all. Yesterday it rained a bit. On other counts, I haven't really worked on my SURF yet, but I plan to start tomorrow in earnest. I need to get out of the house more and eat a lot less. I hope my legs will recover quickly instead of being tired all the time, because that is when I start to fear injury. Perhaps do 5 miles tomorrow and longer run on Wednesday.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rest Day

Very lazy... drank a cinnamon dolce latte with soy milk and ate lots of sweet things... and nonsweet things, too. These muscles better be healing well! : D They are sore.

[In the very early a.m. here (around midnight?) I went out and did a lap around campus then did pre-race. Appears to have been 15+30 minutes or so. Oh, I appear to have noted that in the last entry.]

1st week of SURF

Monday, June 14: I ran Lacey long way with Sedona on this day. Easy pace...
Tues, 15: Rest day. Went to the beach and climbed rocks and watched the waves and felt the wind and the sunset.

Wed, 16: 7 or 8 miles. Ran to Arroyo/Cali, took the path down, did a loop without ascending out of the park, and took the same way back.
Thurs, 17: rested
Fri, 18: ran to Lacey, did 8 accelerations, then ran back. Early-ish afternoon. Felt a bit tired by the time done. Have red freckles-- inflamed sweat glands??? Then biked distended route to the top of Lacey with Ian, Justine, and Zane-- then past Rose Bowl. hills were definitely involved.
Sat, 19: biked around a bit (to Ian's to pack my bike and to paseo to see chalk and Matt + someone) during the day and ran ~ 45 min (once around campus and then the pre-race route) in the dark. Ran into lots of spider webs. Quads sore from yesterday and still feeling the knees.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tuesday: don't remember, but think it was 5 miles or so
Wednesday: 45 minutes, late at night
Thursday: did I do something? If I did it was before the senior dinner... but I don't think I did... rest
Friday: rest
Saturday: biked with Stephanie, Clara: 25 miles via Del Mar, Colorado, San Gabriel River Trail to view of reservoir and back.
Sunday: ran 6.2 miles: wilson, walnut, orange grove, colorado but mostly green, wilson

Monday, June 7, 2010


I biked Chantry flats as promised yesterday. According to the url Garrett sent me in August it is 10.392 miles one way... Took between 2 and 3 hours total-- I'm not sure when I left. Closer to 2 definitely, though.

I woke up at 2:30pm feeling a little out of it, so I generalized the Katherine Breeden hangover cure and decided that the long bike ride would also help, but then I was really dehydrated and tired and hungry and a little worse off for the rest of the day.

Also: what an unusual weekend!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Catchup- and hey hey

Tues, June 1: "Huntington backwards, except ran on Monterey instead of Huntington. 4-5 miles? slow but steady. "
Wed, June 2: Ran with Sedona. 3 miles in the morning (the pre-race route). Quads were tight, but pace was good. Sedona is in freaking aerobic shape from swimming.
Thurs, June 3: Cycle: I think I biked to art center ("the short loop" "that's not a loop at all, Perrin") and did a lap at the Rose bowl. I think it would have been 15.7 miles. Not long, but a nice intro to getting into shape.
Fri, June 4: Ran with Stephanie. Yay! I did that another time in the last couple weeks, but it must have been in May. Both times are tough but satisfying. Hope sports bra regains elasticity when it washes.
Sat, June 5: not a long square, but it seemed long at the time. Hill/Walnut/Los Robles/Cali. 4.2 miles. Pace was good. I think Stephanie has a speedy influence on me.
Sun, June 6: Hopefully some biking... I don't know where, maybe Shantry flats (I also did that on ditch day, whenever ditch day was). More on that later, hopefully.