Wednesday, June 23, 2010

7.5, then 0.9 walking to cool down

Started run at perhaps 3pm. Finished stretching and checked the time and it was 4:44pm. Dunno how time worked out, but it felt really slow! Wanted to take it easy on my quads (couldn't fall asleep until late last night because they were tight as daggers), and ended up being buffeted a bit by the heat anyway, so it was probably slow. At some points I thought, oh, it'll be worth it to walk this extreme uphill (I love how hilly Beaverton is, although the downhills are really annoying because they're awkward), but a few seconds later I had regained my wind and thought, wow, this is silly and kept running. Stopped a lot in the shade. So it really wasn't as continuous as all my other runs up to this point. Temperature 85 degrees. 155 to Hart then slightly left into some system of parks and went North until Farmington, then back on Murray. Again, in homage to my quads, walked the last 0.9 miles up to my house. May seem wimpy, but I think I'll be able to sleep better tonight. Maybe I should have finished the run and then walked an additional 0.9 miles, but I feel like I always finish long runs only out of desperation-- out of parchment, pain, overheating, exhertion-- and knowing the only way to stop is to get to my house, where I can cut it out and drink water. So it would have been hard to leave that and go cool down. But hey, I'm glad I got out the door.

I think my running log entries are mainly for me to record my thoughts, impressions and feelings about how I'm doing running-wise, because these entries contain way more than would amuse the average reader. ; )

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