Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rest day, funky knees: 4.46 miles

Started near the bottom of the powerlines and went all the way up, to weir, which it turns out, is about 1 mile. Went up a little and turned downhill on 160th, then did 155th to Beard to Murray then back through the shopping center straddled by Teal and Scholls. 4.46 miles. Was to be a rest day so that I can go long tomorrow (oh where, oh where should I go? Maybe I can get Kallen to go running, but I dunno) but my knees really protested the downhills and the cement sidewalks in particular. In Pasadena I had done pretty well about sticking to the grass. Dunno if that affects knees. Quads still tight. Today was sunny but the clouds came out in time for my run. Didn't even think about temperature, it was so fine.

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