Sunday, June 6, 2010

Catchup- and hey hey

Tues, June 1: "Huntington backwards, except ran on Monterey instead of Huntington. 4-5 miles? slow but steady. "
Wed, June 2: Ran with Sedona. 3 miles in the morning (the pre-race route). Quads were tight, but pace was good. Sedona is in freaking aerobic shape from swimming.
Thurs, June 3: Cycle: I think I biked to art center ("the short loop" "that's not a loop at all, Perrin") and did a lap at the Rose bowl. I think it would have been 15.7 miles. Not long, but a nice intro to getting into shape.
Fri, June 4: Ran with Stephanie. Yay! I did that another time in the last couple weeks, but it must have been in May. Both times are tough but satisfying. Hope sports bra regains elasticity when it washes.
Sat, June 5: not a long square, but it seemed long at the time. Hill/Walnut/Los Robles/Cali. 4.2 miles. Pace was good. I think Stephanie has a speedy influence on me.
Sun, June 6: Hopefully some biking... I don't know where, maybe Shantry flats (I also did that on ditch day, whenever ditch day was). More on that later, hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. oh, awesome possum! you have joined the running log bandwagon :). keep it up!
