Monday, June 28, 2010

A good week (it's a good day to die (protoss zealot))

Thurs, Jun 24: Bike delivered, but there is a problem. Can't remember if I did anything this day. Let's say, probably... not
Fri, Jun 25: Got it fixed! Biked 8 miles out on Murray, then came back (16 miles total) to test it out. Almost killed myself because I didn't tighten the bolt holding the handlebars upright...
Sat, Jun 26: Ran in wildwood with Emily, good pace. Almost 4 miles out, and then was probably about 6.7 miles total when we met up with Malia and decided to walk the rest of the way as a cool down. Promptly got lost and hiked around the zoo, adding at least an extra mile to the cooldown.
Sun, Jun 27: AM: Went biking with Kallen. met at her house and she helped me clean my chain + derailer. first to Merlo then she showed me how to get to the zoo. No idea on the mileage on that. From my house to the zoo is about 11 miles, so let's guess it was 22 miles total. Good pace, legs burrrrrned on those hills, tho. : ) PM: went on a short run because I knew I was going out to sushi! later, but the legs were so heavy. stride seemed half as long. Ran 3.2 miles, then walked the last .18 miles up the hill, as a faux-warm down. I'm not supposed to talk about walking on a running blog because people will think I did it because I'm weak, but I'm trying really hard to prevent overtraining while I exercise as excessively as possible while I'm in Beaverton. Then flopped around in the pool after dinner.
Mon, Jun 28: Biked to Lila's house, talked, had dinner (delicious! and healthy), and biked back. 10 miles each way.

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