Monday, June 21, 2010

Stuffed with Fluff

All I do around here is eat. Oh, yeah, and today I ran 7.6? miles according to gmap-p. At minimum 6.6 miles. Hard to map because I took a park path less traveled and by the time I left it I turned around to read a sign marking it as Private Property. As usual it gets easier a couple miles into the run. Uphills and downhills, as typical of my part of the Portland area. Legs were very tight at beginning, particularly the quads.

I really miss my bicycle. It's in the mail somewhere... hope to receive it on Wednesday or Thursday. Getting riding withdrawal. Weather is extremely cloudy, not hot at all. Yesterday it rained a bit. On other counts, I haven't really worked on my SURF yet, but I plan to start tomorrow in earnest. I need to get out of the house more and eat a lot less. I hope my legs will recover quickly instead of being tired all the time, because that is when I start to fear injury. Perhaps do 5 miles tomorrow and longer run on Wednesday.

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