Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wow... first post since Sep 25. Boy, have I been absentee. Haven't been running a whole lot, but I'm finally able to get some distance done with my vibrams. Whoopee!!!

Thursday (Thanksgiving): 12 miles to and from PW park.

Sun, Dec 2: 8.7 miles around the golf course.

I haven't run too much in between those, but I'll try to post whatever does happen here again.

Mon, Dec 3: 21 minutes easy around the neighborhoods after Colloquium.
Tues, Dec 4: rest?
Wed, Dec 5: run around V (3 mi?) with Ben
Thurs, Dec 6: run ~4 mi with Ben
Fri, Dec 7: run to campus, try to buy Tickets, run back. ~ 2 mi.
Sat, Dec 8: rest.
Sun, Dec 9: 8.96 mi around the golf course + V to get back. 79 minutes, including stoplights. 8:42 pace???

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wow, haven't updated in 26 days. Exercise from first part collected from log from Commodore challenge. Rest from memory.

Fri, Aug 31: 120 minutes dancing (Oh, I remember this! Scrubapalooza = barhopping in scrubs.), 25 pushups and 45 minutes walking (30 from transport and 15 for errands, I guess)
Sat, Sep 1: 25 pushups, 25 minutes fast running, 45 min walk.
Sun, Sep 2: 58 min exercise bike, 65 pushups, 75 min walking, 45 more minutes exercise bike, 5 minute abs, 50 more pushups.
Mon, Sep 3: 21 min exercise bike, 75 pushups, 60 min walk, 51 minute exercise bike.
Tues, Sep 4: 21 min dancing (it was that or pushups!), 90 min walk
Wed, Sep 5: 8 min dance, 25 + 75 pushups, 45 min walk
Thurs, Sep 6: 57 pushups, 52 min exercise bike, 45 min walk. (might have been a few more pushups that weren't logged... not sure)
Fri, Sep 7: College Cup 5k! ~ 22 minutes around Vandy. 5th overall for Vandy females. winner was ~18:40, wowee!
Sat, Sep 8: pretty much rest + 4 hours of partners Scrabble (Meredith and I won! Robinson got 2nd place) + lots of cheering

Top Point Contributors

Go RAVENS!9565

Sun, Sep 9: hm... (not much followed in the next 1.5 weeks. Foot hurt from the injury the week before college cup (from not breaking in new shoes on 14 mi Wed run after a 20 mi Sun run. : ( )
Mon, Sep 10:
Tues, Sep 11:
Wed, Sep 12:
Thurs, Sep 13:
Fri, Sep 14:
Sat, Sep 15:

Sun, Sep 16:
Mon, Sep 17:
Tues, Sep 18:
Wed, Sep 19: ran Vandy loop. 3-3.5 miles? Vibram's.
Thurs, Sep 20: ran ~25??? minutes with Malena. Vibram's.
Fri, Sep 21:
Sat, Sep 22: ran ~38 min around Vandy loop + 2 laps around the concert @ Centennial. Vibram's.
Sun, Sep 23: a.m. bike adventure on 3 hours of sleep. ~62 miles? 12 miles to Natchez, 19 on it, then back home. Took "The Time Traveler's Wife," and read on coffee/food breaks. Which were plenty.
Mon, Sep 24: no run. tired.
Tues, Sep 25:

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sunday, Aug 19: rest
Mon, Aug 20: ~60 min. Got out the door late and caught the Monday running club halfway through. Did a little extra on Belmont.
Tues, Aug 21: rest
Wed, Aug 22: ~8.5 mi (ran to E Nasty, with them, then a ride home from Amy)
Thurs, Aug 23: rest
Fri, Aug 24: rest (start of the Commodore challenge! but I didn't realize it until Sat **)
Sat, Aug 25: rest
Sun, Aug 26: 20 miles: halfway to Chuck's and back. Only brought one bottle of water. Foolishly did not fill it up @ halfway point. Bought another ~ mile 19. Had to drink ~ 6 glasses of water once I got home. Sushi!
Mon, Aug 27: No running club (CELA), but ran (~ 1 mile) to watch the 1st year/2nd year football game and did 27 minutes around the fields with Shyam. 50 pushups, 10 min abs, and a bunch of stretching. Got a ride back home.
Tues, Aug 28: rest
Wed, Aug 29: ~12.5 mi, including 3.5 mi with Gary @ East Nasty. 50 pushups.
Thurs, Aug 30: I have mighty plans!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Yoohoo, first test! Woohoo, first rest!

Mon, Aug 13: 2 mi to DR's house. 4 mi there (started with Ben, lost him, ran with Lucy, eventually caught up to DR, whose 30:01 today will be likely smashed in coming weeks. ride back following search.
Tues, Aug 14: rest
Wed, Aug 15: missed East Nasty in the p.m. (studying : o ), but got in a 2.5 miles in the a.m. checking to see if anyone from the Slytherin club was at the track. No one was, but a good wakeup run!
Thurs, Aug 16: Ran to track (1 mile), then 1k warmup on track, then 6 x 1km intervals with DR club. Ran between Steve/DR. Initially aimed for 4:15 (6:58 mi), but ended up with 4:08, 4:03, 3:51 (Steve!), 4:02, 4:06???, 4:02. Then a 74s "all-out" 400m. I think I said "I'm so excited" about a million times afterwards. ; p
Friday, Aug 17: Yesterday DR said "honor code" we had to run 3-5 miles recovery, but I ended up thrifting after the test, and then going on a fantastic date. Yeeks! I think I'm obligated to report myself.
Sat, Aug 18: 9 miles a.m. with Amy. ~98 minutes? Then PANCAKE PANTRY!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mon, Aug 6: cookies and ice cream all day. Gross! But I ate them. Medical school is unusually unhealthy in its opportunities. Our big-little ceremony took us late, right into the time for running club, so I ran ~ 4 miles on my own, going for an overall light tempo. (Wanted to feel fast!)
Tues, Aug 7: rest? volunteered at Shade Tree.
Wed, Aug 8: Ran in the a.m. with padawan Molena. ~ 2 mi? including 5x accelerations.
Thurs, Aug 9: Ran Murphy to the park, but didn't go all the way around the golf course (I didn't know entirely where I was going). 6 mi, the last half of it at 9:10 - 9:15 pace. Easy/medium. "the Hammer" (aah, my allergic/asthmatic throat!) hit at the beginning, but I got more comfortable towards the end.
Fri, Aug 10: a.m. run with both padawans! 2.7 mi, including ~ 4 walking breaks.
Sat, Aug 11: Another 7 mi (Red, White) trail run in the park with Cam and Keaton. While I kept them in sight for 50 minutes last run, I lost them quite early on (~20 min?) on this run, and I got the feeling they went easy on me. They had to wait for me a few times. At one point I was trying to keep up the pace while listening to them talk about studying habits. : ) And somehow I missed the trailhead and ended up running an extra 1/2 - 1 mile. Aaah!
Sun, Aug 12: a.m. run with the padawans scheduled! : D UPDATE: ...and a good 3 mi through Belmont it was.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mon, July 30: woke up late from nap, so got to running club late (still ran there). Ran 3 mi loop with Victoria (we missed the pack!) and then ran back with Kensie. 7 mi total.
Tues, July 31: rest
Wed, Aug 1: rest. angsty + storms.
Thurs, Aug 2: Ran 3.6 mi around Vandy. Felt : )!
Fri, Aug 3: ran/walk 2 mi in the a.m. with Molina and Layla. But I forgot the turn so we didn't do the whole planned route. Then I did the 2.6 mi loop by myself so I could show it to them the next time!
Sat, Aug 4: ran 7 mi in PW park (red + white) with Cam and Keaton. They're both quite fit! I stayed in sight (hard! high tempo, and Keaton shot ahead up the hills : ) until the last 2 mi, and then I dropped and slowed down a lot (and then got back to a reasonable, if not as fast as before, pace)
Sun, Aug 5: Glad to wake up (~ 6:30am). Terrible hangover. 3 mi around the neighborhoods to feel a little better. Could have gone longer np! But it was spur of the moment. Morning was difficult, but I think the afternoon can be productive. P.M. run with layla, molina?
Weekly total: 25.2 mi run

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sun, Jul 22: rest?
Mon, Jul 23: 2 mi to Dean's Running Club, then 4 quick, kinda hard miles (8:30 pace?) with the boys : )
Tues, Jul 24: rest
Wed, Jul 25: run 4.8 mi to East Nasty, 4 mi with, then back. Total: ~ 13.5-14?
Thurs, Jul 26: rest
Fri, Jul 27: rest. White Coat Ceremony!
Sat, Jul 28: 4 mi race in Goodlettsville with Amy, Gary, Ivan, Ben. 29:45-29:50! 1st in age/gender group, 8th for females, but beaten by several 14-year-olds. 7:30 pace. The whole time (once I could tell my pace from the numbers I was thinking, "I think Stephanie says Clara  can run 7:30 pace forever" ;p couldn't fall asleep because my classmates were being social outside.
Sun, Jul 29: rest, and eat too much. Nap turned into a "bad trip-"like nightmare. Aaah!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sun, July 15: right as I was getting ready to go on a long run, I got a text and decided to go bike and visit a friend instead. So... 36 mi of biking (round trip). A little sunburn on arms. I forgot that 20 mi could be considered a long ride by my skin ; (
Mon, July 16: 12.5 mi-- to City Limits, again. This time for half a soup and half a vegetarian sandwich. Walked a bit to do an errand in Bellevue, and then ran after a bus and caught it back most of the way to Nashville (1 mi away from my living space).
Tues, July 17: a lazy rest day. Staying at home, vegging, eating, not eating enough vegetables. Walked out to find the site of my orientation tomorrow, and then came back: a short, sweet, purposeful meander.
Wed, Jul 18: rest. Intended to run, but succumbed to the heat and languor of orientation.
Thurs, Jul 19: 1 mi run in Vibram's in the a.m., then didn't get to a mileage run in the afternoon. did bike 4 mi total (lol) to an orientation picnic @ the dean's house, though.
Fri, Jul 20: Finally! 6.26 mi afternoon run first grazing, then passing through, Centennial Park to Elliston, 16th, etc. Looking forward to tomorrow's rafting adventure with perhaps an a.m. Vibram's run. Not sure how to balance mileage with foot strength right now, but I figure I'll figure something out. : )
Sat, Jul 21: rafting... no a.m. run

Monday, July 9, 2012

Wed, July 4: 9 mile run with Lili @ 8:40 pace or faster. I stayed in contact first half, but by the last mile was dragging. Wowee, though! What a great runner she'll be.
Thurs, July 5: rest. Flew to Nashville.
Fri, July 6: ~24 miles biking (to Bellevue in the a.m. with a stop for letter-writing @ Bruegger's; back in the p.m.)
Sat, July 7: lots of walking for errands and such
Sun, July 8: 3 mile run in the morning (too much attn from a homeless guy on Music Row : ( ); more walking
Mon, July 9: 12.5 mile run in the a.m. to City Limits for a "Banini" (Bagel Panini); read; walk 2.5 miles and then take the bus the rest of the way back. Walk ~ 5 mi in the evening: to and from a bar to meet other Vandy meds.
Tues, July 10: rest (walk ~6 mi: to and from the library). The homeless and the youth are, as usual, the most unwelcome compliments.
Wed, July 11: ran 5 mi to the meeting point of East Nasty runners, then ran an easy ~ 4 mi with them (~9:30-10:00 pace?), and then got a ride home. Then 1.5 mi walk to buy stuff off Craigslist.
Thurs, July 12: ran ~4.5 miles (legs so tired from beginning!) to Love Circle and around Vandy. I like that running around Vandy is a greater distance than running around Caltech, though it's much busier in terms of traffic. I see a few hills in the neighborhoods around me, and start pondering future hill workouts with them...
Fri, July 13: This is supposed to be my rest day, but I want to runnnnn! Maybe I'll just do a lot of walking. Make a pilgrimage to Whole Foods and the library or something. UPDATE: Walked 3 mi (6 mi round trip) to Trader Joes/ Whole Foods, and later in the evening another 6 mi of walking to and fro downtown Nasty. Oh what a hipster am I? I actually really enjoyed the fresh, cheap produce of Trader J's. I might make a weekly pilgrimage there from now on...
Sat, July 14: What happened this day? I know I had an emotional hangover, but I don't know what actually happened... I know I walked to and fro the library (6 mi total) to see Ridley Scott's "The Duellists" (1977), and I probably didn't get any more exercise after that...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tues, Jul 3: 1 mi swim around noon (sweet smell of blackberry bushes and random trees... plus those excellent, awesome Oregon clouds when I do the backstroke). In the evening bike to frisbee (only 3 mi one way) and play for 90 minutes (first of those are just throwing the disk around), and bike back. A summer-era triathlon. Needs more running???

On the plus side, I'm starting to feel like myself again. Nay-- to *be* like myself again. (Feeling is so passive. Except when it's passion, but that's a different story.) I woke up, ate a light breakfast, went outside and picked a couple pounds of blueberries from the yard. Then I went swimming, as you know, came back, ate blueberries and lunch, then got to work reading various things and doing small errands. Eventually fell into a nap and woke up in time to snack and head off to frisbee. When I came back I started eating, but got distracted by the awesome idea for making a gluten-free, sugar-free banana pie using my mom's leftover sugarless oatmeal cookie dough in the fridge for crust (with some retained and mixed with coconut for a crumble ontop of half the pie), walnuts, bananas cooked on the stove with cinnamon, all topped with toasted coconut. It was excellent, and surprisingly intensely sweet, from the banana's natural sugar. The family received it warmly, but to my folly Lili can't eat walnuts : (. For penitence I'll make more pies tomorrow that she can eat. Oh yeah, and I did the dishes and the counters. I don't know if I'll get to mopping the floor tomorrow, but I ought to or I'll lose my perfect record so far. Man, I get so much pleasure from running around, eating hand-picked and hand-made food, and doing scullery things for the family. I could be a kick-ass domestic goddess, but in the meantime I think I'll go become a doctor.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday, June 17- Thurs, June 28: biked with Stephanie. See bike tour blog for notes. Lost 5 or so lbs during this time, on top of the 5 or so lbs before that. They make some joke about losing x pounds (when ex-bf weighs x lbs), but in my case it's x+10? New weight: 130lbs. Constantly hungry now, though. I will probably have to keep quite occupied if I want to keep it off.

Fri, June 28: 2.5 hour hike in Wildwood
Sat, June 29: 5.5 mi run (50 min) with Lili, then 1.5 hour bike
Sun, June 30: 70 min run with Lili
Mon, July 1: 1 mi swim in a.m. (40 minutes?), then short bike (8 mi total?) with Malia to gather lavender and visit the bike shop. Leisurely pace, as Malia had gearing troubles. Have eaten an enormous amount per diem ever since got back. I think it's a combination of being used to eating a lot on the bike trip, and perhaps my body also trying to regain fat. Naughty, Naughty. ; p

This is kindof a low point emotionally. I quit the bike tour because it was almost too much of a vacation, and I felt like there was so much real work I need to get done-- but that decision itself might have been wrong. Either way it has pretty much kicked the stuffing out of me. I feel like I've lost 3 friends (not counting the breakup) in the last few days, but that is a very histrionic account. It's more like I was really poor to one friend, inconsiderate to another, and overenthusiastic to the last.

On the plus side, it's very nice running with Lili (who is in amazing shape!). Our legs are the same length, and we can run stride for stride with each other. I really want to take her out for a fartlek workout one of these days. I also hope to do more biking with Malia, now that her bike is fixed. The pool is pretty relaxing (though I gasp like a fish out of water after each lap), so maybe I will swim a mile each day I am here. And supplement that with a bike ride or a run? We'll see how this goes.

Most of the people I know in Nashville don't want to talk to me anymore, but the city does contain the finish of the Natchez trace, a 444-mile bike/car route with the 340 mile-mark quite close to the Alabama border. I'm thinking of plotting a few centennial or bicentennial days once I get back to TN, but that's for next week. What's in store for tomorrow?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sun, May 27: rest, probably?
Mon, May 28: rest, I'm guessing
Tues, May 29: rest
Wed, May 30: (flew back to Irvine), ran with E + J (4 mi), a bit of a crisis afterwards to take care of
Thurs, May 31: rest, drove to SD with Steph
Fri, June 1: got a ride to Tecate to begin the incredible journey; biked 40 miles with Steph (see tour blog)
Sat, June 2: 57 mi bike tour
Sun, June 3: 22 mi bike tour
Mon, June 4: 65 mi bike tour
Tues, June 5: 72 mi bike to catch up to Adventure cyclists
Wed, June 6: 30 mi bike with Adventure cyclists
Thurs, June 7: 66 mi bike (mostly descending) to Pasadena
Fri, June 8: rest
Sat, June 9: 10k mud run @ Camp Pendleton
Sun, June 10: rest, walk to Old Pas and back
Mon, June 11: ran Brown Mountain with Steph: 30 min up (2.2 mi?), 86 min total (7.6 mi?)
Tues, June 12 - Sat, June 16: I think 2 runs in here: one Huntington (5 mi) and the other probably shorter (4 mi?).

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wow, I can't believe I haven't updated since Apr 6. My life has changed so much since then. My fitness has been an ever-changing combo of running (mostly Saturday runs in the park), biking (for 2 weeks in mid-May), YMCA boxing, and essentially sneaking into personal training sessions. A few abdominal sessions in there, but not enough to call it a true habit. Here's what I can remember of my life:

Tues, May 15: 24 mi bike on Trace, 17 minute abs (form really deteriorated after 10 minutes), then last 40 minutes of C's bootcamp
Wed, May 16: rest
Thurs, May 17: 9 mi run in the parks: intended only a 2.5 mi blue loop to recover from Tues, but the signs egged me on.
They said: Candy Cane Connector Trail: 1 mile.
Me: Yeah!
Signs: Red Trail: 4.5 mile Loop.
Me: Sure!
Then I had to get back to the car, via Candy Cane. 

Fri, May 18: 6 mile run (to the top of Morton Mill & back)
Sat, May 19: 4 mile run, I forget where... must be the Park, though.
Sun, May 20: 20 mile bike: from Bellevue to Downtown Nashville, look around the neighborhoods, and then back as far as the Hwy 70/100 jxn
Mon a.m., May 21: run to YMCA, 10 min abs, rough circuit of lunges, Hindu squats+pushups (I feel silly doing it when nobody tells me to... ?), burpees, wall touches (jumping)
Mon p.m., May 21 - Wed, May 23: rest, driving from BNA --> SNA
Thurs, May 24: rest, ~10 miles biking to various mechanics
Fri, May 25: rest (fly to PDX)
Sat, May 26: 10 mile run: 5 miles to Nature center, walk for 1.5 miles, run 5 miles back.

The incredible journey starts June 1, and I hope I don't freak the frick out. It's been an emotionally wrenching week, so I feel like I should be extra diligent in my preparation, lest important things sneak away from me...

Friday, April 6, 2012


I do really well at working and working out when I have specific goals in mind. Here are mine, to encourage me through my UPS Store and Edible Arrangements jobs. Maybe this is TMI, but I really think in terms of concrete goals (being able to run a marathon, etc.):

currently: I could quit my job and do the bike tour frugally.
Apr 7- Apr 20: +safety cushion (peace-of-mind).
Apr 21 - May 5: + relocate to NY (or wherever)
May 6 - May 20: + buy textbooks in advance! <3
May 21 - May 31: + actual margin of safety outside of loans. SWELL!!! ULTIMATE GOAL!

Exercise goals: Workout about of every other day in April, and ballroom dance. Get my legs prepared somewhat for cycling. : )
Go to psycho cycling class every other day in May, plus boxing for fun. See how it goes!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Thurs, Feb 23: I just read the official vibram's website, and they had the following suggestions for building mileage in them:

-- start with 10% of usual mileage for the first 2-3 weeks and add 10%/week from there. (!!! I guess I won't be trying a 10 miler any time soon.)
-- Avoid running two days in a row during the first month.
-- When walking start with no more than about a mile/day. Less may be better.
-- If low mileage is too unbearable to handle for the first 3 months, you can supplement mileage with regular shoes and then decrease that mileage as you increase Vibram mileage.

According to this, I walked borderline to too much in my Vibram's when I was first trying to break them in this summer. Which explains why my feet hurt a little too much. I have a bit of the runner's twitch, so I'm going to take up the last point and go for a run in my running shoes today, and then look for some local 5k to put on the calendar.

I guess this is going to be a long, gradual, patient process... Which is good, I guess. I've been needing another long-term goal. Also, I think I'm making headway with my job apps to fundraise for za early-summer bike tour (!)

2ish miles in regular shoes. Legs still fatigued. From marathon or what?

The days following... Paradise and Back

Ran on Feb 5. Stiff-walked around the next few days. I pulled some part of my lower back so I had to get help with my luggage at some points in the subsequent travelling.

I decided my mission after the marathon was to start running completely in Vibram's. So I'll try to walk around in them and run when I can in them, though for traveling I used my running shoes out of convenience.

Feb 7: --> HI.
Feb 9- Feb 15: tried to do a bit of exercise each day. Go hiking (Kokohead, Diamondhead, Kuli'ou'ou ridge, Kokohead again) and on a few walks. Used vibrams on all but Kuli'ou'ou. Went swimming in Hanauma bay twice to look at fishes. I got a little nervous of the open ocean-- didn't stay there long.
Ate a lot of food in Hawaii, but I don't think I gained 5 pounds, unlike last time I visited, in high school. ;p

Sun, Feb 19: probably 2.5 miles in vibram's. turned back before the 3.0 mile mark because feet hurt.
Mon, Feb 20: 3.0 miles in vibram's! feet hurt a little.
Tues, Feb 21: rest. calves + hamstrings a little tight.
Wed, Feb 22: 2.3 miles in PW, though probably 0.1 mile of that was walked.

Feb 5 (First Marathon)

Race day (Feb 5): Absolutely fantastic. It was simply great to see the pals. And I felt strong the first 7 miles, and then legs hurt a bit the next. Even had a little sprint at the end. Way behind Steph and Keeley (saw Keeley during the race, but not Steph) the whole way, but I think I paced myself well enough. Further, it looks like I finished in the top half of finishers. ; p Legs very stiff after 20 miles, but kept moving and generally passing.

Overall: 1033 out of 2444
Women: 281 out of 901
F 18-24: 29 out of 78
Age/Grade: 53.55% Place: 1109
Finish: 4:12:55 Pace: 9:39
Tag Time: 4:12:55
Gun Time: 4:20:26
Split Times
3 Mi: 28:03 Pace: 9:21
6 Mi: 55:43 Pace: 9:18
12.2 Mi: 1:54:51 Pace: 9:25
20.9 Mi: 3:18:51 Pace: 9:31

These splits show my overall pacing, so here's my actual min/mi pacing between markers:

0-3 mi: 9:21
3-6 mi: 9:13
6-12.2 mi: 9:32
12.2-20.9: 9:40
20.9-26.2: 10:24

I liked it. Ate the shot blocks they gave out and didn't actually end up consuming any gels I had bought the day before. Didn't hydrate enough towards the end because I wanted to keep on moving, but it was great.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Approaching the big days: every one!

Fri, Jan 20: rest
Sat, Jan 21: rest (aah, supposed to do 4 miles easy but forgot)
Sun, Jan 22: 10 miles in the parks (last run over 10 miles, now!)
Mon, Jan 23: rest. Went to open interviews for Organic Food Cafe. It seems really cool-- hope to get it!
Tues, Jan 24: 3 miles, including 3 x 3 min Aerobic intervals. Nice to go a little faster. I wonder if I should have done my long runs at a less relaxed pace, after reading some article about how you should do the first 10 miles of your long run at a less relaxed "race pace." Though I think my race pace will try to be comfortable for the first 10 miles, since my goal is to finish... (Once I said, "break 4 hours," then "break Stephanie's 3:41," but now I think finishing strong is a better goal for me.)
Weds, Jan 25: rest. Continue job apps and get ready for interviews, etc..

Thurs, Jan 26-Feb 5: I don't rightly remember. Went on a 2-mile run at Dartmouth (Jan 31). Had some foot pain at some point. High heels hurt during the two interviews Jan 31 and Feb 2. Went on short bike ride with Malia the morning before the race.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

As the day wears on, my heart wears out.

My title seems inspired by Stephanie's titles... Indubitably!

Sat, Jan 7: rest
Sun, Jan 8: rest
Mon, Jan 9: ? rest? hm
Tues, Jan 10: 5 miles
Wed, Jan 11: rest
Thurs, Jan 12: 10 miles, exploring the route to Radnor from Percy Warner
Fri, Jan 13: rest
Sat, Jan 14: 4 miles
Sun, Jan 15: 20 miles! Percy Warner <--> Radnor, then around Belle Meade a little
Mon, Jan 16: rest (2 mile hike with Daniel, took 75 minutes! legs sore)
Tues, Jan 17: rest
Wed, Jan 18: 5 mile run, 0.6 mile walk with Daniel. Rejected by TFA, but there's still med school.
Thurs, Jan 19: rest, 1 mile walk with Daniel

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year, building up cheer

Thurs, Dec 29: 8 hours of travel to get back to TN. ugh + rest.
Fri, Dec 30: drove over to Chattanooga. rest
Sat, Dec 31: lay in bed all day except for two 1-mile walks up and down a hill.
Sun, Jan 1: Happy New Year! Still stuck in Chattanooga with no running clothes.
Mon, Jan 2: back in town. Can't slow down. little sleep. + emo.
Tues, Jan 3: ran about 20 minutes before getting unreasonably scared of two deer and calling Daniel to come pick me up. It's not as if I don't usually see deer in that park...
Wed, Jan 4: finally, a run! 7.5 miles in about 80 minutes, including some walking up hills. I decided to take it easy on myself as I had been really emo lately. When my expectations are too great, I don't even try sometimes, and I just wanted to get out the door.
Thurs, Jan 5: rest
Fri, Jan 6: 13.74 miles walk/run on the dirt trails of the park. Walked when felt dead, which was up many of the hills, and down the treacherous slopes. Next week I try this on the (more gently sloped) pavements, which I had previously run on (and will race on)! I think I have more endurance then. Total time: 3:20. Also +1.5 mile walk with Daniel before started, for an extra 30 minutes of walk. So slow! This was harder than the 16-mile run 3 weeks ago, and it took way more time.